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  1. sandiegophil

    server access time

    Hello, I am in the process of testing a new cad file serverand I am wondering if there is a pre-configured test available. I am currently replicating projects, remapping data shortcuts and xrefs etc. This is very time consuming as I have to keep mapping/remapping files and drives. I would like to just test file access times with duplicate data from my desk to server "a" and then to server "b". Any and all help and suggestions are appreciated. Thanks, phil
  2. SAFeSTeR

    Multiple users vs 1 file

    I'm sure we've all encountered this issue, more than 1 user needing to work on the same file. Of course this can create problems, like time mangement or users creating their own copies of files which leads to confusion about revisions etc. I've looked into the possibility of using 'shared' files which updates edits made from multiple users but so far a solution has proved elusive. The only thing I found is called CadVault, but I don't think this does what I would like. I got the idea from using shared Excel documents and it seems to work well, and IMO, CAD is the typical kind of application that requires this kind of manipulation, but I've never worked for a company that uses such a method. I'm baffled by the lack of information / support for this, unless I'm overlooking something. So, is there a way that this can be achieved?
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