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  1. Hi - New to auto cad & need help I'll explain as best i can. Version:AutoCAD Mechanical 2012. I have a number of CAD blocks i need to change an attribute in each of the blocks multiple times. The attribute DEVNAME - Varies* over multiple blocks. I need to change the number used in the attributes eg: Block 1 attribute DEVNAME = RR1 Block 2 attribute DEVNAME = LR1 Block 2 attribute DEVNAME = AR1 I would like to change the 1 in all the attributes to a 2 without having to manually change each attribute name individually. The result I'm after would be: Block 1 attribute DEVNAME = RR2 Block 2 attribute DEVNAME = LR2 Block 2 attribute DEVNAME = AR2 I have hundreds to change hopefully there is an easy way. Thanks in advance any help i receive.
  2. Hi I have this code; Sub selectABlockOnALayer() Dim sset As AcadSelectionSet Set sset = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("EXCEPTIONS-BLOCK3") Dim filterType As Variant Dim filterData As Variant Dim p1(0 To 2) As Double Dim p2(0 To 2) As Double Dim grpCode(0 To 1) As Integer grpCode(0) = 8 grpCode(1) = 2 filterType = grpCode Dim grpValue(0 To 1) As Variant grpValue(0) = "FXPM" grpValue(1) = "4PLUG" filterData = grpValue sset.Select acSelectionSetAll, p1, p2, filterType, filterData Debug.Print "Entities: " & str(sset.count) sset.Delete End Sub I understand the code only selects 1 type of block on a layer but I cant even get that to work! I am trying to select 89 different types of block that exist on a specific layer. Is this something that can be done using VB? Any advice would be great. Thanks Tom
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