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  1. Hi, First time poster so please take it easy..! I am having trouble getting my lisp to open a file, write to it then close again. I am using Lee Mac's 'LM:findfile' function. The variable 'dntxtloc' works when testing, returning a path "L:\\DESIGN\\2018\\2018-167 Commercial Road, MASLIN BEACH\\2018-167 Designer's Notes.txt" so I think the 'LM:findfile' function is working fine. It seems to fail after that, writing the 'write-line' to the command line instead and returning the error below... Command: Drawing Name is of an acceptable format20/05/2019 (Rosdun) - ; error: bad argument type: streamp nil Command: I was hoping someone might be able to help me as I'm sure it's something basic that I'm missing. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Snippet that seems to be the problem. (cond ( (setq dntxtloc (LM:findfile nnametxt sfpath)) ( (setq ff (open dntxtloc "a")) (write-line (strcat mydate " (" myusername ") - ") ff) (close ff) (startapp "C://Windows/Notepad.exe" dntxtloc) (princ) ) ) ( (setq dndocloc (LM:findfile nnamedoc sfpath )) ( (startapp "C://Program Files (x86)//Microsoft Office//root//Office16//WINWORD.exe" dndocloc ) (princ) ) ) (t ((alert "Designer's Notes not found...")(princ))) ); End Cond I will attach the full copy also. Regards, Ross. Open Designer's Notes V6.lsp
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