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  1. Version 1.7.0


    This program will calculate the total length of Lines/Polylines/LWPolylines/Arcs/Ellipses/Circles/Splines with an optional filter. The Filter may be used to select only those lines that are on a certain layer, or perhaps have a certain linetype or colour. The results of the calculation can...
  2. Hi, I'm modeling for excavations on GPS. The software on the excavators is Trimble Earthworks. I can use file flipper to convert a LandXML file (even a dxf) to a usable format for the machines. My problem: I can export to dxf and only get lines... tin su...
  3. Hi, I need and thank you in advance for your help. I need to select in a drawing all types of lines except continuous. I tried to use quick select but the tool does not seem to distinguish between this style and the by layer. Thanks!
  4. Hello fellow Autocad users, I've recently recieved a messy 3d model (consisting of various geometry types) in order to draw section plans from them. First I tried to generate a floorplan with Autocads "Generate Section/Elevation" tool, thus recieving the projection as intelligent object....
  5. In the attached file, two lines are represented, apparently overlapping. In fact there is one out of the way between 0.0001. Someone will be able to achieve a routine that makes it possible to select the lines, overlapping them with the same y-coordinate. Of course, also for distant lines with ot...
  6. Good morning, I have a big problem: I need to make an outline of which was advanced on a road. But I'm doing this activity manually. I tried to use the OVERKILL, but it only deletes the 3dpolylines/polylines that are overlapping and not both. I need only what is different between them and make a RE...
  7. 03-26-2016 04:58 PM Hello, I'm doing a project for school and here are the starting directions: "The point of beginning (POB) of this survey is measured from BM#8332. This benchmark is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of SW Washington Street and SW Oleson Road. The...
  8. Hello folks! I would like to know if you guys could help me to align multiple lines to an specific point. Take a look at this image. I want to align all color lines to the white one at the bottom. I tried to move them, but I need a reference point and I do not know how to do it. Ive b...
  9. I want a lisp that when two lines are inserted and they intersect each other at 90 degrees, I want them to create a chamfer
  10. So I will select certain lines and do the trim command but it will trim any line that I drag the mouse over whether i selected that line to trim or not. Is there a way for it to JUST trim the lines I select and nothing else?
  11. I have an issue with my AutoCAD 2010. If I zoom in on a line and select it, the grip for the line stays where it should, but the end of the line move away from it's original location. If I dont have the line selected, I can zoom in to the same distance and closer and the lines do not move. Howe...
  12. Hello everyone! Here is my problem, i need to run a simulation model of a building in Fluent Ansys, the thing is i have a model in CAD of the building and i need it to be fully solid so i can convert it to .SAT and import it to the simulation program. I've browsed the forum and the web a bit and...
  13. Good morning all, is there any way (command) that prevents me from selecting lines/polylines/objects, something similar to "imageframe" command. Thanks for the help!
  14. The lines are so close that I cannot even see a gap but apparently there is a minuscule gap therefore the lines aren't trimming. Rather than extend all of them, is there a way to adjust the tolerance so they trim anyway? this could save a lot of time. Thanks, K
  15. Hi, I have a lot of lines and I need the Total length, I have them in a separate layer, I have tried with Field and Dataextraction but it is not exactly what I need, or I did not do it exactly. For Field, I can not select all line. Dataextraction takes all lines in the drawing, I need lines th...
  16. Hello. I need to connect two circles with different radius. Sorry, I don't really know how to explain my question using the right terminology or in the right words. So, here's the snapshot of what I need to draw, the one in the red rectangle.
  17. Hello guys, I again, needing a help... Some one knows how do a link with lines as the picture bellow? I have on a drawing lines that need to be closed to make one area, but, to do it it's necessary to get some lines and do a contour line, linking the points... Thanks...
  18. Hello there! I'm really new to AutoCAD and I'm basically trying to learn it by drawing simple things. My question is this: how do I change the angle that is between two meeting lines?
  19. Hi, I cannot for the life of me remember how to get around this one. I have a line with randomly spaced nodes and it also is curved. I need to turn it into a polyline, densify it and export those extra positions. So far I have done line to polyline no problem, but when I try to densify (I have...
  20. Hello folks, Background: During the process of drafting many lines overlap (e.g. construction lines, objects merging, etc) Because the overlapping lines have precisely the same properties, I don't feel the need to remove them. The issue begins when I go to plot. The overlapping lines do...
  21. I have just been doing some work for a company and they were using AutoCAD 2009. One of my tasks involved stretching and moving items from imported drawings over Architectural layouts. Lines drawn on the x and y axis were fine. However, if I zoomed in on angled lines they moved out of view makin...
  22. I'm starting a new drawing in Civil 3D 2012 and when I go to draw a line I can't see the small text boxes that show up beside the cursor that allow you to input numbers. I like to type my lengths and angles into these boxes to draw my lines as it makes it 100% accurate however the aren't showing up....
  23. So i am confronted with this All my polar tracking options are turned to Zero. (sorry, no pic) strangly enough its does give me one tracking option (read line) wile drawing at 5° and when i draw a square it seems like my plane is off a bit (prolly 5°, looks like a perspective) Tried fid...
  24. I use to have a lisp routine that would draw lines in a profile by typing in the station and the elevation. is this possible anymore. Every lisp routine i find is so complicated, i just want something simple.
  25. Hi, I'm literaly just starting to use CAD so this might be a silly question, but how would I offset a line more than one distance in a command? Is there like a symbol you put between each distance like 2000;2250;2650 or something along those lines (no pun intended). Again sorry is this is a sill...
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