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  1. Hi guys, Im new here and i've been searching and even asking chatgpt to help me out but it doesnt seem to work properly. Im working on a SLD (Single Line Diagram) for an electrical project and when wires cross on the diagram, it needs to have a gap on one of the 2 lines. I've tried this lisp command that ChatGPT gave me but with little to no success; (defun c:BreakAndShorten ( / pt line break_length startpt1 endpt1 startpt2 endpt2) (setq break_length 2.5) ; Set your desired shorten length here (2.5 mm in this case) (setq line (car (entsel "\nSelect the line to break: "))) (setq pt (getpoint "\nSelect the break point: ")) (if (and line pt) (progn (setq startpt1 (polar pt (angle pt (vlax-curve-getStartPoint line)) (- break_length))) (setq endpt1 pt) (setq startpt2 pt) (setq endpt2 (polar pt (angle pt (vlax-curve-getEndPoint line)) break_length)) (command "BREAK" line startpt1 endpt2) (setq line1 (car (entsel "\nSelect the first segment to shorten: "))) (setq line2 (car (entsel "\nSelect the second segment to shorten: "))) (if line1 (command "LENGTHEN" "DE" (- break_length) line1)) (if line2 (command "LENGTHEN" "DE" (- break_length) line2)) ) (alert "You must select a line and a break point.") ) (princ) ) In sum, I want to break one line at a point and then shorten the 2 segments by 2.5mm so it has a 5mm gap without using multiple command everytime
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