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  1. Does six months a Zombie thread make? I found a different thread in a different sub-forum in which someone had asked a very similar, but somewhat different question. I thought I'd start my own thread rather than pollute his. I am learning Inventor. I have been tasked with a sample job to draw. I have been going through an organized Tutorial Program my employer has footed the bill for. I have also watched a lot of Neil Cross "TFI CAD" videos. He makes it easy to understand. My task is to create production drawings of an assembly draw in 2D AutoCAD like a manufacturer might show to an Architect for approval. The output is to be 3D modeled in Inventor for production. As I've been bringing my parts across, they are coming scaled down like they are drawn in millimeters. In AutoCAD when I check a dimension it shows inches and there aren't any strange setting in the DIMSTYLES that I can find. They are set to inches. The donor AutoCAD file had INSUNITS set to 4. I switched it to 0. That didn't seem to change the behavior. This is the Zombie thread: Insert Units Thread I have not tried this: Editing Acaddoc.lsp Any enlightenment would be appreciated. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As an aside, re: Neil Cross's work; here is an example of a well done tutorial on the steering wheel. I've used it like a wood saw on a steel pipe for years... I posted a remark on it here a couple days ago. It's after hours and I'm doing a little self-improvement time and wanted to share this.
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