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  1. Hi Guys! I'm struggling to make my own lisp routine which helps add heights to floor plans. The idea is to read the height difference from the 3D point cloud and present it on the 2D plan. To be honest I don't have excellent skills with programming, backing to 90's I was playing with BASIC on C64 and Amiga So, please forgive me for my poor code structure..! I'm stuck on the step where I need to round-up figures to 5mm. I have the idea which should resolve this problem but it doesn't work how I wish to and I'm trying to understand what is wrong with my code. I hope you can help or suggest a better solution. The main idea looks simple: I try to explain the example step by step (height difference is known): I'm thinking that range 0.0000-0.0025 shouldn't change the figure, 0.0025-0.0075 should round up to 0.005 and anything above 0.0075 should round up to 0.010. Finally, it doesn't work well... Here you can see the videos: 1. Video shows how it works without rounding up: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hwmHQWOq0ImuZVFMgEr-KGBmUdIrwwHa/view?usp=sharing 2. Video shows the error after implementing my Math: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16lklDS1AUEtgmvHDnnKPpUHUlNVmVk60/view?usp=sharing I also attached a zip pack with my .lsp file and required blocks. I will be very thankful for any help. Cheers! Krys (maq) LISP_GSC_hdiff_v1.3__Height difference and floor level reading [HD].zip
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