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Found 4 results

  1. sandiegophil

    issue with 'timeoutall'

    Hello, I am having issues with the timeoutall function in my opt file. Does anyone know if the location of the setting within the opt file has an effect? I am ending up with users exceeding 40-50 hours... thanks for any help or tips. regards, phil
  2. diegsn

    Help with flex part

    Hello, I would like to bend a flexible piece like that. I have used the Flex tool but the result is very imprecise. What tool or method you can suggest to me? Thanks Ensamblaje flex L (intento).zip
  3. carlaa

    FLex tool!

    I would like to bend something flat using the flex tool. With the help of tutorials, I have already been able to bend one of the angles(angle a at 90°) but then I cant bend the others because the axis and planes shift afterwords....Does anyone have any advice? Here is pdf that shows what I want to achieve.... question.pdf
  4. I am trying to find a lisp that will create a single line flex like a "spline" but if it gets to be longer than 10'-0" then it should show as a "hard round duct" for the remaiing part. (according to code flex can not be longer than 10') can anyone help me or have a lisp that is cappable of doing this? thank you!
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