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Found 3 results

  1. Hello everybuddies, I am new to lisp, so please for your advise. I want to pick an existing multi-segment polyline and use it as a selection fence (ssget "_F") As far as I understand I miss a simple piece of code that lists the points of the polyline in a way that ssget can accept them as a list of points to define the fence. (setq POLY (entsel "\n Pick a Fence Line crossing your beloved entities:")) ****POLY---->(please help!)----->POINTLIST**** (setq ss (ssget "_F" POINTLIST ) ) Thanx in advance
  2. So... "suddenly" my trusty 'fence' linetype ( -x-x-x-x- ) no longer displays the 'x' at the correct size ( -.-.-.-.- ). It's TINY. It's not a regular linetype scale issue as I have older untouched drawings that no longer display correctly. Also, the 'gap' where the "x" should be is showing scaled correctly, but not the tiny 'x' within. I tried re-importing the linetype from a number of local files and get the same result. Other linetypes still display correctly. It won't even appear right in the manager. Help please? . (all lines in pic same type at different scales) . P.S. Other computers on the same network are displaying the same issue. Files are on a central server.
  3. Sorry if this is a repost, although I doubt it. Can't hurt. As part of our Confuse-a-CAD-Monkey policy, we change our standards on every project. We had a custom linetype for silt fence years ago, which looked something like this: Unfortunately, every one of those pointy bits had to be drawn by hand, or at least copied, along an erratic border. I came up with a dynamic block (my first), but it was kinda clunky. Then we switched to a different linetype. Now we've switched back. I came up with a custom shape and put it in a complex linetype. If anyone wants it, here's the shape definition (in my.shp): *001,5,SILT 018,011,01F,018,0 Compile it as my.shx and put this in a .lin file. *SILTFENCE, silt fence -^--^--^--^- A,.25,[sILT,my.shx,s=.1],.25
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