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  1. When ellipsis (...) are used in the thread title of threads containing multiple pages, users will encounter the following 403 (Forbidden) error when attempting to view all but the first page: To provide an example to illustrate this behaviour, try viewing the second page of the following thread: http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?72884-convert-list-with-mapcar-lambda.... To circumvent the error, users can remove the thread title from the URL; for example, by removing the highlighted section in the following URL, the second page may be viewed: http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?72884[highlight]-convert-list-with-mapcar-lambda....[/highlight]/page2 However, to prevent this issue from arising in the future and to reduce the work for the forum moderators, is there any way to implement a restriction on the use of ellipsis in thread titles for newly created threads?
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