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  1. I want to change the values of a dynamic block within a lisp. This lisp contains a calculation. I used .dcl for this. My dynamic block has 7 attributes: maaiveld, HOOGTE1, HOOGTE2, HOOGTE3, HOOGTE4, HOOGTE5 and HOOGTE6. My lisp code has 7 values: m, a, b, c, x, y and z The order of these outputs are important. a, b, and c are sewer pipes that arrive in the cewer, and x, y, and z are pipes that depart from the sewer pit. So if there are only 2 pipes, we only have to use a and x. This makes it difficult. I can't just set HOOGTE1 to a, HOOGTE2 to b, HOOGTE3 to c, etc. If I do it this way, it will leave a gap in my leader. I hope this is even possible. I provided some screenshots of my calculator and of the leader, and the problem of the gap. Maybe I just need to create a more complex dynamic block, so that I can just connect the hoogte1,2,3,... to a,b,c,... I really don't know. code: (defun c:testKRIS ( / *error* dch dcl des mv d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6) (defun *error* ( msg ) (if (and (= 'int (type dch)) (< 0 dch)) (unload_dialog dch) ) (if (= 'file (type des)) (close des) ) (if (and (= 'str (type dcl)) (findfile dcl)) (vl-file-delete dcl) ) (if (and msg (not (wcmatch (strcase msg t) "*break,*cancel*,*exit*"))) (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg)) ) (princ) ) (cond ( (not (setq dcl (vl-filename-mktemp nil nil ".dcl") des (open dcl "w") ) ) (princ "\nUnable to open DCL for writing.") ) ( (progn (foreach str '( "ed : edit_box" "{" " alignment = left;" " width = 20;" " edit_width = 10;" " fixed_width = true;" "}" "" "test : dialog" "{" " spacer;" " key = \"dcl\";" " : ed" " {" " key = \"mv\";" " label = \"MV:\";" " }" " :boxed_column { " " label = \"Diepte vd buizen\";" " :row {" " : ed" " {" " key = \"d1\";" " label = \"A:\";" " }" " : ed" " {" " key = \"d4\";" " label = \"X:\";" " }}" " :row {" " : ed" " {" " key = \"d2\";" " label = \"B:\";" " }" " : ed" " {" " key = \"d5\";" " label = \"Y:\";" " }}" " :row {" " : ed" " {" " key = \"d3\";" " label = \"C:\";" " }" " : ed" " {" " key = \"d6\";" " label = \"Z:\";" " }}" " }" " : boxed_row" " { " " label = \"BOK berekeningen\";" " :column {" " : ed { key = \"res\"; label = \"BOK:\"; is_enabled = false; }" " : ed { key = \"res2\"; label = \"BOK2:\"; is_enabled = false; }" " : ed { key = \"res3\"; label = \"BOK3:\"; is_enabled = false; }" " }" " :column{" " : ed { key = \"res4\"; label = \"BOK4:\"; is_enabled = false; }" " : ed { key = \"res5\"; label = \"BOK5:\"; is_enabled = false; }" " : ed { key = \"res6\"; label = \"BOK6:\"; is_enabled = false; }" " }" " }" " : button" " {" " key = \"cal\";" " label = \"Calculate\";" " }" " spacer;" " ok_only;" "}" ) (write-line str des) ) (setq des (close des) dch (load_dialog dcl) ) (<= dch 0) ) (princ "\nUnable to load DCL file.") ) ( (not (new_dialog "test" dch)) (princ "\nUnable to display 'test' dialog.") ) ( t (set_tile "dcl" "Calculate Area") (action_tile "mv" "(setq mv $value)") (action_tile "d1" "(setq d1 $value)") (action_tile "d2" "(setq d2 $value)") (action_tile "d3" "(setq d3 $value)") (action_tile "d4" "(setq d4 $value)") (action_tile "d5" "(setq d5 $value)") (action_tile "d6" "(setq d6 $value)") (action_tile "cal" (vl-prin1-to-string '( (lambda ( / m x y z a b c ) (set_tile "res" "") (set_tile "res2" "") (set_tile "res3" "") (set_tile "res4" "") (set_tile "res5" "") (set_tile "res6" "") (cond ( (or (not mv) (= "" mv)) (alert "Please enter a maaiveld value.") (mode_tile "mv" 2) ) ( (or (not d1) (= "" d1)) (alert "Please enter a A value.") (mode_tile "d1" 2) ) ( (or (not d2) (= "" d2)) (alert "Please enter a B value.") (mode_tile "d2" 2) ) ( (or (not d3) (= "" d3)) (alert "Please enter a C value.") (mode_tile "d3" 2) ) ( (or (not d4) (= "" d4)) (alert "Please enter a X value.") (mode_tile "d4" 2) ) ( (or (not d5) (= "" d5)) (alert "Please enter a Y value.") (mode_tile "d5" 2) ) ( (or (not d6) (= "" d6)) (alert "Please enter a Z value.") (mode_tile "d6" 2) ) ( (not (setq m (distof mv))) (alert "Het Maaiveld moet een getal zijn.") (mode_tile "mv" 2) ) ( (not (setq a (distof d1))) (alert "The A must be numerical.") (mode_tile "d1" 2) ) ( (not (setq b (distof d2))) (alert "The B must be numerical.") (mode_tile "d2" 2) ) ( (not (setq c (distof d3))) (alert "Het C moet een getal zijn.") (mode_tile "d3" 2) ) ( (not (setq x (distof d4))) (alert "The X must be numerical.") (mode_tile "d4" 2) ) ( (not (setq y (distof d5))) (alert "The Y must be numerical.") (mode_tile "d5" 2) ) ( (not (setq z (distof d6))) (alert "The Z must be numerical.") (mode_tile "d6" 2) ) ( (<= m 0.0) (alert "Het maaiveld moet groter dan nul zijn.") (mode_tile "mv" 2) ) ( (<= a 0.0) (alert "The A must be greater than zero.") (mode_tile "d1" 2) ) ( (<= b 0.0) (alert "The B must be greater than zero.") (mode_tile "d2" 2) ) ( (<= c 0.0) (alert "Het C moet groter dan nul zijn.") (mode_tile "d3" 2) ) ( (<= x 0.0) (alert "The X must be greater than zero.") (mode_tile "d4" 2) ) ( (<= y 0.0) (alert "The Y must be greater than zero.") (mode_tile "d5" 2) ) ( (<= z 0.0) (alert "The Z must be greater than zero.") (mode_tile "d6" 2) ) (t (set_tile "res" (rtos (- m a) 2)) (set_tile "res2" (rtos (- m b) 2)) (set_tile "res3" (rtos (- m c) 2)) (set_tile "res4" (rtos (- m x) 2)) (set_tile "res5" (rtos (- m y) 2)) (set_tile "res6" (rtos (- m z) 2)) ) ) ) ) ) ) (start_dialog) ) ) (*error* nil) (princ) ) The code needs work to be visually better, but I want it to work before I do that.
  2. I have a awning window in front elevation that i want to stretch horizontally and vertically , im having trouble getting the triangle to stay in the middle when i stretch horizontally. Can someone help me :) attachment below : Window.dwg
  3. I have a dynamic block with a flip parameter - It works fine in my reference file but when I copy and paste it into another drawing the horizontal flip no longer works. I've tried purging and auditing the drawings but to no avail. What gives? doesntwork.dwg works.dwg
  4. I'm trying to develop a dynamic block that takes two attributes input from the user (lets call them "x" and "y") and then divides them by the distance ("dist") of a line within the block that may be stretched. Then the result of this formula ((x + y) / dist) is to be displayed as an M-TEXT within the block definition. The problem I'm experiencing is that no matter what I do I can't convey the value of the attributes to the M-TEXT within the block - It only shows their default values and there's nothing I can do to update it with the current attribute values for the block. In other words: Lets say my default values for "x" and "y" are "0" and "1", respectively. I then change the value of "x" to "10" and "y" to "20" on the instance of the block. My M-TEXT has a field in it that references a "formula", and the formula references object->value for both the x and y attributes: "x + y" as the formula. However instead of showing me "30", the block instead shows "1" as these were my default values. I've attached the file I'm working with as an example (although the fields are named differently than what's here). I've posted the question to AutoDesk's forums as well using a more true example of what I'm doing (I simplified it here because it's been difficult to explain what the problem is), so if you would like to read my other attempt at explaining the problem, check out: http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/autocad-2013-2014-2015-2016/value-of-attribute-doesn-t-show-up-when-used-within-formula/td-p/5878314 WIP.dwg
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