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  1. I have a drawing with multiple rotated dimensions and some are quite small resulting in text being offset to the leader. I was wondering if there is an easy way to change all the text box components of the dimensions to fit the actual size of the text so that it isn't so offset from the leader witho...
  2. This is my first post so first of all I would like to welcome everyone. I hope that I could learn a lot from you guys. I would like to write a simple (I hope so ) lisp which will help me a lot during my work at the office. Drawings that we receive are in 2d but are created from a 3d model made...
  3. I've looked around and have found Suffix/Prefix routines for Text, Mtext and Attributes. I thought it would be easy to modify one of those to work with dimensions but easier said than done. I cannot figure it out. I was hoping one of these two routines would be easy to rework to work with dimension...
  4. Hello everyone, I have one issue with dimension properties where I want to know if something can be done. We work with meters as units, and we make a lot of details so we've found a format that suits our needs but it means a lot of manual overrides. Basically, the dimensions are to be...
  5. Hello, I was wondering if anyone has/ can whip up a LISP routine that selects any dimension (rotated, aligned, diametric, radial, ect) from the entire drawing (not just a selection) that has a "dim scale linear" value that is <> Not Equal to 1 I have been doing it in "qselec...
  6. The quick answers of some "gurus" of the forum excited me ... indeed "galvanized", so I decided to submit you a lisp that I made years ago, but that I have never used because it is too unreliable in the results. THE PROBLEM For some time I have been thinking of a lisp that would all...
  7. I made my dimensions with this code, why they are not aligned? Look in the image below. (and (setq Z l3) (vl-cmdf "_DIMLINEAR" "_non" p3 "_non" (polar p3 0 Z) (mapcar '+ p3 (list 0 (* Z -0.5 )) ) ) ) (princ) )
  8. Hello everyone, Please help me a lisp to move all points of dimension to each of dimension line of them. Thank you very much, Regards,
  9. Good Afternoon, I am working on an issue at my company and I hope I can get some help. I work at a metal panel company and I was hoping that I could insert a table that will update due to panel dimensions. What I would really like to see is a table that can give me Length and Width as well...
  10. Hi all, I need some help with a lisp routine that I'm attempting to write. What I need to do is extract a panel label by selecting the text and then select the dimensions that I need extract, I've managed to extract the dimensions correctly but when the information is extracted I get is "nil" in...
  11. Hi Is there a way to choose a piping class based on ASME B16.5, then a component and its size, and let AutoCad automatically show their dimensions in the isometric drawing and create a bill of materials? Thanks a lot
  12. Hello, I have created a new .dwg file. Within the drawing I have created a block that updates when I change the parameters. Currently when I change parameter lengths the dimensions do not update to match the length of the block. Is there anyway to add dimensions that will update within the origi...
  13. Hi all! I am trying to accomplish a specific task, one that requires exporting information from CAD to excel. Fixo's DX (dimension export) LISP is a pretty good start, but I am trying to add some features to the command. Currently, the command writes the exported information vertically in c...
  14. Hello, when I draw this sketch in AutoCAD, I can't get the exactly same vertical dimensions. The original shows whole numbers for dimensions and I am getting numbers with decimals. Am I doing something wrong or are just dimensions on the original written with whole numbers? Tnx for help. Orig...
  15. Hi, my new company are using autocad LT and dim everything in paper space. I have no choice in the matter so am trying to follow procedure. I can see the benefits of it but have had a few errors which is causing me problems. basicially the dimension are not reading the vaule they should....
  16. Dschechter

    annotative dimensions

    Trying to practice annotative scaling in viewports, but dimensions in the lower right viewport are larger text than they should be. Is something compounded to make it larger? All are using same annotative dimension style. I feel like it's something obvious thank you! [ATTACH]54698[/ATT...
  17. Hello all, I would like to change the dimensions measured by 1/2" on panels measured within our acad drawings as we order materials 1/2" shorter. To date, we manually dimension each item drawn several hundred times and decrease the dimension by 1/2" again and again. Obviously, this is not efficient...
  18. Hi, was wondering if there was any routine which would automate dimensions in an architectural plan. This is present in refit, and we could have it in Autocad where we could draw a line through a floor plan and "stretch" the dimensions of all the intersecting lines to a convenient point. Thanks
  19. Hi all, How do you get the inch or foot or labels to show. I have the numerical value, but I'd like the " symbol to show up to indicate inches. Thanks,
  20. Is there a shortcut for setting a certain dimstyle as default similar to right clicking 'set current as default' (which is available for some features) without going into the dialogue box? It would be fine to do that if the author of the drawings didn't have 50 with similar names. Thanks
  21. I am working on a site plan and most of the dimensions are large, so I want to be able to type in "30" and it makes a line that is 30 FEET long rather than 30 INCHES long as it currently is. If I want itin feet, I have to put the tick mark in which is time consuming and annoying when I could just ha...
  22. I got a new base file from a client, and every time I draw a dimension, it 1) asks me for text input (default to measurement), and 2) is exploded when drawn. I have never had the dimension commands do either of these before. I'm assuming this is a setting somewhere I can undo? Again, using the sa...
  23. Hello all I am developing a parametric model of a precast stair using Inventor 2013. I have set a parameter call "rake" to define the rake distance of the stair (the distance the nosing of each tread protrudes over the tread below - usually about 25 mm) This is initially set to 25 mm in the sket...
  24. So I'm trying to adjust the "text y pos" among other things for several dimensions, but that option is grayed out. I tried to work around this by c/p the dimension from another drawing where that option isn't grayed out. When I paste it in my drawing that option becomes grayed out. Also, that...
  25. Hi, I'm very new to lisp and I'm currently writing some to create steel sections with the main dimensions and the name of the section below. I'm having trouble adding dimensions (in a new dimension layer) to my lisp file and the text file below my section (also in a new text layer). Ive atta...
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