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  1. Hello all, i have had this problem for some time now, but im just now getting time to post it. Basically the problem i have is that certain AutoCAD commands, not all, that require a dialogue box do not work, i.e insert, drafting settings, linetype settings, etc. When i invoke the command AutoCAD just hangs there, and i have to hit escape. As i mentioned earlier this only applies to a few commands, open, saveas, xref and others work with no problem. However all of my third-party AutoCAD programs work with no problems. The funny thing is if i have a vanilla session of AutoCAD open, and then open a separate session of a third-party AutoCAD program such as multi-suite, or AutoPlant design, or Inventor, my vanilla AutoCAD session has none of the problems mentioned and the commands behave normally. But when i close vanilla AutoCAD and open it back up, the problem comes back and i have to go through the steps mentioned above. This problem only happens on my PC in every drawing. I have repaired and re-installed to no avail, and filedia is set to 1. I currently am running AutoCAD 2010. My initial thoughts were that its a video card problem, but why would other programs work and not vanilla AutoCAD?
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