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  1. Dear reader, In our company we encounter the following problem. If I zoom in or out when I am in Mtext (in paperspace) there will be an ghost duplicate shown. So far not a big issue because it dissapears most of the time when exiting the command. But sometimes it stays. I can't get rid of it unless I close down ACAD. I can't select it and it won't be printed at all (not even a dot). The same thing happens in a couple of more situations and also with different objects. I tried a lot of things but can't get it solved. Do you hav any Ideas? If I set my layout switching on "regen when switchinglayouts" this solves the problem sometimes as wel but even then with around 350 users it is not alway the solution (on top of it not being so convinient), so it still does not fixes the problem. This does make me wonder if there are cache setting which may be causing the problems. What I also discovered is it's only starts occuring (MTEX example) when I have my first viewport in paperspace. We also tried a machine from our consultant agency which had exactly the same hardware and also the same graphic driver (ACAD certified). The machine did have it's own network installation and so did not use our customization (though it did uses the same version ACAD). Any ideas?
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