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  1. Hey, I'm pretty new to Autocad and I'm trying to draw one of those new energy-saving lightbulbs in 3D. It's a Phillips Mini Decorative Twister bulb to be exact. I'm trying to make it as accurate as possible. I have the base done and I did the spiral/middle part of the bulb, but I ran into a problem when I tried to do the bottom of the bulb where it meets the base. I used a spline since the bottom part of the bulb meets the spiral part at an odd angle, then curves at almost 90 degrees and goes straight to meet with the base. The problem is when I tried to sweep a circle along the spline Autocad wouldn't let me. If someone can help me with this or give me some tips on how best to do the bottom and top parts of the bulb, it would be much appreciated. Thanks.
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