I have created some cuix files that i want to load automatically when a user boots autocad. for this i have created a acad.lsp file in one of my search/support directories with the following code and therefore when i start cad it loads the menu file.
^C^C^P(command "menuunload" "CUSTOMMENU" "_.menuload" "CUSTOMMENU.cuix")
Great apart from it doesnt appear. The command line reads: "Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: CUSTOMMENU" so its loaded and if i go to either cuiload or QUICKCUI i can see it and edit /unload it. The only ways i can get it to appear are by unloading it and reloading it using cuiload in which case it works fine until i reboot autocad as my script unloads it. or by changing my workspace to 2d and them back to classic and it appears.
My perfect solution would be that my script runs everytime autocad launches so that any updates made to the cuix file automatically update in autocad without having to lunload and load.
Thanks in advance for any help here and happy new year to all!