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  1. I have similar blocks of drilling points on a map and wish to assign them to different layers to color them differently. How can I select blocks by their name, or part of their name, instead of handpick the individually? I also have Civil3D if that helps Thank you
  2. Hello dear Masters, My name is Sean and I'm very new to this Lisp programming. it's like 2 weeks now and I begin to frustrate that I can't get my code work. first thing I was able to make the lisp to count the blocks being selected and i was very happy to it. then I decided to name the blocks also that is being selected. I know about the command "BCOUNT" but older versions of AutoCAD has no bcount command yet (Autocad 2010) I really wanted to learn LISP stuffs but gets stuck every time. Please help me with this code. I've been to many sites and still can't figure out what to do next. Thank you in advance masters. so here's my code (defun c:BL (/ ssblks ssblks2 en ctr blk ent enlist) ;define funcntion (vl-load-com) (if (setq ssblks (ssget))) ;|selects blocks|; (prog (setq blk (sslength ssblks)) ;|get number of blocks|; (setq ct 0) ;|set counter to zero|; (repeat (ssget ssblks2)) ;|repeat the selecting blocks|; (ssadd (ssname ssblks2 ct) ssblks) ;|add ssname froms ssblks selection|; (setq en (car(entsel ssblks2)) ;|gets entity from ssblks2|; (setq enlist(cdr (assoc 2 (entget en)))) ;|get the dxf group codes of the entity;| (alert (strcat "\n There are " (itoa blk) " blocks and these are: " (vla-get-effectivename (vlax-ename->vla-object enlist)) )) ;|display result|; ) ;end prog (princ) ) ;end if (princ) );end defun (princ)
  3. Hi all, I am trying to extract data from a block for eg. area of a polyline (that had been made as a block) so that I can export it as an excel schedule. I have been unsuccessful so far. Whenever the data extraction window asked for what kind of information to be extracted, area is not one of them. Another question is, I have information that had been worked out in excel and I want to attach this to the blocks that i have made in CAD. I have import the schedule into CAD and this comes in as a table. How do I then link the cells in the table to the block annotation so that when the excel schedule changes, the block annotation changes too? Thank you!!! Would really appreciate some help! Elfie:)
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