Dear People,
CADTutor has got a name in the AutoCAD community. I was
at your web site. I saw your forum. I'm a mem ber of
your forum..
You also have a forum that is dealing witgh AutoLISP,
Visual LISP & DCL. I did not see AutoLISP programs
there. But.
I'm wondering. Are you interested in AutoLISP programs?
Do you want to publish them? I have written many
AutoLISP programs.
I'm still writing AutoLISP programs. What is more. I'm
writing articles about my AutoLISP programs. I publish
them on my blog.
If you want to see what I have got. Here is the website
of my blog.
If you are interested, let me know. I could send you my
articles. Let me know where I can send them to. And
what format you want: DOC or text.
Jos van Doorn