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  1. I have 6 different commands for rotate 13 is my rotate command. 1390 13180 13270 1345 13... you get the point. Instead of haveing all these commands I would like to consolidate them into 1 command with options 1=90 2=180 3=... you get the point. I would like to select object, pick point, enter 1-blah blah blah enter and done. I know I can just use the rotate command but this will play an important roll in a greater lisp routine. Thank you in advance. Here is my basic 13180 command (defun C:13180(/ CtrPt) (setvar "CMDECHO" 0) (setq ss1 nil) (setq ss1 (ssget)) (setq CtrPt (getpoint "\nPick the rotation Point:... ")) (command "rotate" "P" "" CtrPt "180") (setq ss1 nil) (setvar "CMDECHO" 1) (princ) ) ;end defun
  2. Hi all our company is finally seeing the light and will be upgrading from 2d to 3d soon. Now i am challenged to find the right software that fits my needs as i am the only draftsman here. Some of our competitors are using Autocad-2013 with an add on program called Cad Pipe to be later inserted into Navisworks for overhead coordination. Not sure if i should use the same products as our competitors or go with 2013mep. Our needs are plumbing shop drawings from the original contract documents as well as some small design builds. Any and all advise will be greatly appreciated as 2007 2d is all i know.
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