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  1. Lately, maybe about a year, I've noticed a residue of an arc shape (perpendicular to first and second point within distance command). I tried Regen, Regen All and Redraw. Any of them clears up the arc residue for some and not others. Anyone seeing this arc image will think there's a door placed ther...
  2. Hello, i create lisp for transform *line, circle, arc ... and the question is: How to transform arc without convert it to polyline. Or how to covert arc to polyline transform vertex (this method work fine) and convert again to arc (i don't know how to convert again to arc). Wha...
  3. Hello i need some help with modifying Arc, the idea to change coordinate with some formula like : Coordinate X + 100.00m for each point and coordinate Y + 200m for each point. For clear arc i decide first to modify center and then start and end point and it work, but for polyline with arc...
  4. I can't find a way to draw an arc off the end of a line or arc that is NOT the last entity and have it act as though it was continuing in the normal way, like it does when continuing off the end of the last entity drawn. As in, have it behave like an arc coming off the last entity but select a ran...
  5. Hi all - I created a lightweight polyline by filleting two straight polylines to create 1 polyline that contains an arc. I would like to convert the arc into a series of straight polylines that mimic the original shape of the arc, while not disturbing the straight parts of the polyline. I found a .l...
  6. this lisp convert polyline segments to arcs . work one line for time . i need select 1000 polylines for times. I'm new in autolisp and i do know what change in the code : (defun c:lwsegs2arced ( / massoclst nthmassocsubst v^v unit _ilp doc lw enx gr enxb p1 p2 p3 b i n ) (vl-load-com) (def...
  7. hello my frieand , how can i repeat Arc (Center , start , end ) Command without select From Draw tab? i have problem with this Command when i want to use Continuous, everytime i Should select again from Draw Pannel of Home Tab for use again! ( i want to use this like move command , for ex : selec...
  8. Hello, I am trying to draw a solid object by AutoLISP. But I got stuck while drawing an arc. Please see below picture where I got stuck. I need this arc parallel to the lines below it. I tried some UCS command but at that time arc shown up somewhere irrelevant. Couldn't figure it ou...
  9. I have been trying to figure this out for a couple of days now. The only thing I could find is this LISP that takes the Ellipse properties and uses them to creat an arc. When I use this, the start and end angles are not correct in the drawing. Ellipses must have been drawn in a different UCS)....
  10. In the attached drawing, where three circles are tangent to each other (top part of drawing), I draw three complete circles which are tangent and then use trim to trim the unwanted parts. But today I heard a new way to draw with no need for trimming. Apparently this method draws the arcs instead...
  11. I have a number of large files that have multiple layers with many simple objects. I wish to have a LISP program that searches the file and for certain layers, it looks for line and arcs that have the same start or end points I.E. a line has one end point that matches an arc or another line start p...
  12. Hi all I'm working on some information that I have imported into LT 2017 from 12D survey software. Basically I have a road string (polyline made up of arcs) and I'm tidying it up. All I have done to this string is break it and change the layer it is on. When I go into Paper space and look...
  13. I am writing a LISP to find subtle kinks between curves. Right now I'm stuck on finding all the angles. Is there an efficient way to do this? I'm hoping to find the angles between connected curves, including arcs and polyline curves, and then highlight (draw a red circle?) around all angles with...
  14. I'm making an Audi R8 as a project but how can I extrude an arc on an angle? I'm trying to extrude from the top view to make the body side arcs.
  15. I attached the plan I am having trouble with. It is named first_plan.dwg. I created some lines with the arc tool and joined them to represent the electrical wiring in the layer called electrical wiring. I changed the linetype to a dotted and dashed style but it won't display in the model space a...
  16. I attached the plan I am having trouble with. It is named first_plan.dwg. I created some lines with the arc tool and joined them to represent the electrical wiring in the layer called electrical wiring. I changed the linetype to a dotted and dashed style but it won't display in the model space a...
  17. calafragilistic

    "Arc"-like Leader

    When I used to use R14, I had a customized leader command where the first click was the endpoint of a leader (as usual), the second click was like the midpoint of an arc, and the third click was the other endpoint of an arc. You could continuously keep clicking and producing more arcs connected to t...
  18. Hi all, I design concrete swimming pools... I have a drafting issue that hopefully someone can shed some light on. I have attached a diagram for your reference. I need to draw a curved line that starts tangent to segment (A) and hits points 1-3 and ends tangent to segment (B). The floor of...
  19. Hey, I am tracing a curvy 2D shape using arc function. I want the outline of the shape very smooth. I would like to know how do I draw arcs that can be tangent to each other so eventually I can get this shape very smooth and nice. Thank you very much!
  20. How do I draw an arc/circle tangent to two other arcs/circles? Ultimately, I am trying to create a snail cam drawing.
  21. I need a lisp routine that can take a long polyline and delete all the arc segments, thus leaving multiple shorter polylines (all consisting only of straight segments). Can anyone help me with this please?
  22. This is the text-book exercise I am working on: Strictly speaking, the back of the jaw consists of two arcs and a tangent. I can't find anything in the book so far that deals with this so I am stuck. Can someone please help me out with a way to do the back of the jaw. Thanks BTW:...
  23. I tried to connect these arcs together as you can see on the red arrows but they didn't look smooth, i use 3 points arc and another mothod was circle command. How would you guys do it?
  24. Hello guys, well i have a homework for the exams and i have no time, so i need your help. The question is, how i can measure the exact length of an arc (or a polyline) ? See the pic.
  25. Hi there all, I am new here so forgive me if my question is vague or likewise is a bit over the top. I have been sent a client's construction drawing for a care home where i need to design the sprinkler installation. The majority of the rooms have got the same head positions within them, but...
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