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Found 3 results

  1. How can I retrieve both coordinates for a dimension including the angle of the extension line? (I'm using Linear, Aligned and Arc Length dimensions). I want to build a lisp that cycles through all the dimensions in the drawing and inserts a new block at the dimension coordinates using the extension line as the angle for the insert. David
  2. I am writing a LISP to find subtle kinks between curves. Right now I'm stuck on finding all the angles. Is there an efficient way to do this? I'm hoping to find the angles between connected curves, including arcs and polyline curves, and then highlight (draw a red circle?) around all angles with less than 20 degrees difference (160 to 200 degrees) between the lines. If possible I'd eventually like it to be able to automatically smooth the kinks, but I think that that part will have to come at a later time. On a completely unrelated note, I can't stop seeing this as a cyclops.
  3. Hello, I have a question pertaining to drawing a closed property line with angles between two lines. I have included a photo for further clarification. The length of each line are not included, but I want to know how to accurately redraw this property boundary. Thank you very much:)
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