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  1. Hi, I have an issue when replacing the 'acad.cuix' on a 2nd PC with my existing one. To do this I literally replace the file on the C:\ drive. I've tried loading my custom file into the CUI but I get an error message: Partial customisation file cannot have the same Customisation Group Name as the main customisation file which I have no Idea what it means. AutoCAD loads fine and I'm able to select my workspace, however, many (but not all) of the icons seem to either get replaced by the wrong icon or are completely blank (see and compare images). I'm not 100% sure, but I have a feeling that the icons are replaced by what would be there by default for that toolbar on a fresh install of AutoCAD and that the blank icons are where I've added or enhanced a toolbar, for example where I added the Layers II icons to my expanded 'Layers' toolbar. The problem is only a graphical one as the actual commands behind the wrong icons are as they should be. Any ideas why this happens and how to fix it? Please click images for better clarity. Correct setup: Corrupt setup:
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