I am attempting -- without much success -- to put my dimensions in paperspace. The problem is that sometimes (almost always) the dimension value is in paperspace. That is, when I do a Linear Dimension of two points of an object in paperspace the resulting value will be a few inches instead of many feet.
My model is drawn at full size; my viewport is set to 1/4" = 1'-0"; I am using ACA 2012.
I am not sure if it instructive, but I have found:
- The only time it comes out correct is if my first point is at 0,0. But if the second point is 0,0 it will be wrong (paperspace value). Bizarre
- most of the "wrong" dimensions have the "Associative" property is set to "No". The box is grayed out so I am not sure how to change it.
- If I MEASUREGEOM, the value is the correct model space length but if I do a linear dimension using the same two points the value is in paperspace.
Any help would be much appreciated.