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settin data to cad table via VBA


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I can't find the way how to insert data from vba script to existig table in acad 2008.

I'm looking for some advise :)



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Maybe i'll write some more about my problem...:)

I'm a civil enginer and i use tables in autocad and i wonder haw to use logic functions like "if" in cells (like in excel) and only way, I found out, is to calculate sth in vba using logic functions and to put this integer to cell in existing table in modelspace , but I can,t menage to write it.

please help:oops:

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I’m not exactly sure the full extent of what you need but the response I made in this thread was based on the code below. A table was already preset with the header information and I did modify the code a bit when processing the right side of the parabola.


Nonetheless, it does give an example of VBA coding some Table modifications.





Option Explicit

Sub PutPtCoors2Table()
Dim entTable As AcadTable
Dim entArc As AcadArc
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim intCode(0) As Integer
Dim varData(0) As Variant
Dim colSS As AcadSelectionSet
Dim ent As AcadEntity
Dim varpt As Variant
Dim varCen As Variant, varSt As Variant, varNd As Variant

With ThisDrawing

  intCode(0) = 0: varData(0) = "Arc"
  intCount = SoSSS(intCode, varData) - 1
  If intCount > 0 Then
     .Utility.GetEntity ent, varpt, "Select a Table: "
     If TypeOf ent Is AcadTable Then
        Set entTable = ent
        Exit Sub
     End If
     Set colSS = .SelectionSets.Item("TempSSet")
     For i = 0 To intCount
        Set entArc = colSS(i)
        varCen = entArc.Center
        varSt = entArc.StartPoint
        varNd = entArc.EndPoint
        For j = 0 To 2
        entTable.SetText i + 4, 1 + j, CStr(Round(varCen(j), 5))
        entTable.SetText i + 4, 4 + j, CStr(Round(varSt(j), 5))
        entTable.SetText i + 4, 7 + j, CStr(Round(varNd(j), 5))
  End If
End With
End Sub

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Oops, just realized that I didn’t include all the supporting functions. :cry:


Include this with the code from my previous message.


Sub SSClear()
Dim SSS As AcadSelectionSets
  On Error Resume Next
  Set SSS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets
     If SSS.count > 0 Then
     End If
End Sub

Function SoSSS(Optional grpCode As Variant, Optional dataVal As Variant) As Integer
  Dim TempObjSS As AcadSelectionSet
  Set TempObjSS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("TempSSet")
        'pick selection set
  If IsMissing(grpCode) Then
     TempObjSS.SelectOnScreen grpCode, dataVal
  End If
  SoSSS = TempObjSS.count
End Function

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Thanks a lot for help and that you took this trouble, I've just started to think out this function...:), but it seems to work in my drawing

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