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Found 5 results

  1. Hi all, I installed AutoCAD 2021 three days ago. I am very excited of new features,. When issuing vlide command to enter "Visual LISP Editor", I selected installing AutoCAD AutoLISP Extension. Of course this is a very good method of programming to study and use, but now I am not be able to open traditional "Visual LISP Editor", and I am so confuded searching a way to write my own simple AutoLISP macros. Is it possible to find a way to recover the old and lovely vlisp editor? Any help will be appreciated.
  2. Hi all, I am developing a lisp application which is associated with a DCL and a SLD image file. It seems like VLIDE 's application wizard wouldn't allow me to attach SLD file to the VLX. Is there any other workaround for that?
  3. Hi all, I don't know if this is the appropriate forum, but I was running the VLIDE ide yesterday (ironically whilst on this board looking at some lisp programs), and had to leave my computer for a few hours. When I came back my VLIDE interface won't come up. You can see it on the task bar, but I can't enter anything, and when you use "alt" + "tab" to cycle through the programs, it can't come up. I wonder if there is a setting I may have hit accidentally? Anyways, thanks
  4. I have started to attempt to learn DCL and am currently using VLIDE as code editor. But when I write a DCL code and click "Format edit window" it returns an error: If I execute the code it runs just fine ("Preview DCL in editor" works, too), but I can't get it to organize my text. Doesn't it work at all or am I the only one having difficulties? I have been searching this since yesterday and have found not a single person mentioning it, which means either one of two things: no one has ever had this problem before or it is so simple to solve that no one ever needed to ask in internet forums. Hope I'm not asking a stupid question here This is an example of code I am trying to format (copied from a DCL tutorial by Jeff Sanders): EXAMPLE : dialog { label = "EXAMPLE.lsp"; : column { : boxed_column { label = "column 1"; : boxed_column { label = "column2"; } : boxed_column { label = "column 3"; } } ok_cancel; } } Thank you all in advance! Felipe
  5. Just finished writing this tutorial with the aim to provide an overview of the various ways to debug code using the Visual LISP Editor. I've tried to incorporate many facilities of the VLIDE into the tutorial, so excuse me if it seems a tad drawn out in places. Of course, comments for improvements are welcome, along with the discovery of any typos & mistakes (there are bound to be some!) http://lee-mac.com/debugvlide.html Enjoy, Lee
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