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Found 6 results

  1. (defun c:test () (setq obj (entsel "please select the dimension:-")) (setq ab (fix(getreal "please enter the value to change:-" ))) (command "dim1" "new" ab obj "") (princ) ) hi friends if i try to fix value more than 32600 it will fixed automatically some other value please help me what is the reason for this?
  2. I remember when I used to press F1, AutoCAD would launch the help files stored locally on my PC. Now I am using a newer version all I get with F1 is the online help. These online help files are no way as good as the old method which used to give concepts, examples and better explanations of the commands and the options or settings for them. For example, when you need an explanation of how a setting value (like 0, 1 or 2) influences a command. I have not found this with the online help, all I ever get is a link to a pdf to search through. So in my last attempt with this pdf, I searched a command and got 25 results, the weird thing is that almost every single instance of the results gave EXACTLY the same answer, but not 1 of them explained what values were available to change. FYI, I searched 'PICKFIRST'. So, my question is this: is there anyway I can get the 'old' help files again or is there anywhere I can get access to better help files? I'm using AutoCAD LT 2011.
  3. Hi, Does someone know if it's possible to do a "global change" (values) to Attributes in MText? I'm using 2010. Those MText attributes are practical but a pain in the neck for my existing tools! Merci beaucoup!
  4. magic_man1

    Default Instance Parameters

    I am modifying a pre-existing electrical panel family and the goal is to create text on the panel in elevation view to reflect the panel name. The issue I have seems to be that even though I type a default panel name in the "Panel Name" parameter (I used "zzz" so the value would stand out), when I load this family into a project and attempt to place my first panel, it comes in with a blank value in the "Panel Name" parameter slot. Typically, this would come in with a value of: "zzz". Again, this is an "out of the box" family that I am attempting to modify, so I am partly wondering if this is because a something has been done to force this field come into a project empty. Any ideas / thoughts are much appreciated. I will also say, that once the panel is inserted, you can give it a name, then update the family to include the functionality and everything works great (because it has a name now). The problem is, getting it to come in with a default name, so you can change it after placing it into the project. (I am using Revit MEP 2011) Thanks,
  5. Hello all, I have two blocks with different attributes. want a connection between the two blocks especially in the areas marked in yellow. node when the value changes from 56 to 101 to make update the labels. Attach an example. best regards Sample Annotation Pipe for link.dwg
  6. CADalyst

    Value Changer

    I am new to this forum and LISP programming so please bear with my lack of knowledge. I have a couple of hundred blocks which I'm interested in changing the values of specific tags using lisp (or something else). I have lots of different blocks, and they all have two attributes. The tag for attribute 1 is "X", with a value of "100" The tag for attribute 2 is "Y", with a value of "200" Is is possible to change all the blocks in the drawing, such that the attribute 1 value is renamed from "100" to "1", and the attribute 2 value is renamed from "200" to "2". I would like, if possible, to preserve and leave unchanged the tags associated with the respective attributes, and change only the value. So basically, once the script is done, I will still have the blocks with the same attributes, just different tag values. To clarify; I'm interested in replacing attribute values rather than changing attribute tag names. I hope this makes sense and that it is possible. Many Thanks
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