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  1. Hi all, I am attempting to get a viewport from blocks in modelspace to paperspace with a layout template. I would like this automated by selecting all the blocks in numerical order and placing them on the correct numbered layout. I have found plenty of lisp out there, but nothing that seems to work 100%. I know there are programs out there, but I want to try to learn autolisp with this project. I think I was able to get close with these two: Draw bounding box on object-from Blackbox Create multiple viewport from multiple rectangle in model space-from hmsilva The main difference I want to change below is to select all of my objects, instead of being prompted to select a single object, (defun c:BNDBX (/ eName mn mx) (vl-load-com) (if (setq eName (car (entsel "\n >> Select Object >> "))) (progn (vla-getboundingbox (vlax-ename->vla-object eName) 'mn 'mx) (vl-cmdf "._rectang" (vlax-safearray->list mn) (vlax-safearray->list mx)))) (princ) ) ) I have tried inserting (if (setq eName (ssget "_x" '((0 . "INSERT") (2 . "PageView")))) on the 3rd line with no success. Eventually I would like to have the second code produce layouts in order. But I figured I would get this chunk sorted first.
  2. hello, i am pretty new at vb.net and i am stucked at converting coordinates from model space to paper space, so please help at this. Actually i need some examples how to get coordinates from model space point to paper space (for example i am selecting point in model space and other point in paper space and i need to draw a line between them(visually) in paperspace. Or maybe i can add object to array in modelspace(that i could have right coordinates), do CHSPACE and get these objects in paperspace array(that i could have new objects' coordinates)? Sorry for my english, if someone can help pm or reply..
  3. I have an odd issue with AutoCAD 2014. I have two different files which should be identical when I go to plot- exact same xref'ed title block, same paper size set, same plot style, same output (dwg to pdf in this case). This particular title block is set to plot properly at 1:1 paperspace on Arch D 24x36 by window, with center the plot selected. Sure, I could fit to paper, but then everything would be a tiny bit out of scale. I've triple-checked all of these settings between the two files; I even changed drawing units to mm temporarily and measured both title blocks in paper space to make sure they were the exact same size. However, in one file the title block doesn't fit - both sides hang off the paper space by a tiny bit. I can't think of what variable I'm overlooking that may be causing this. The outputs should be exactly the same, but one file refuses to play nice and fit the whole title block to the plot area! EDIT: I think I know what the problem is, but not how to fix it. See attached image. Basically, I need to get the intersection of the dashed lines to the center of the red circle (follow the blue arrow). That's how the correct file looks when it plots.
  4. Hello, Can anyone tell me please if this can be done? Ideally I would like to freeze or at least off-state a layer in Modelspace but keep it unfrozen or on in paperspace Thanks Dimitris
  5. If only QSelect weren't lying when it gives the option to search "Entire Drawing." As the title says, I'd like to be able to grab all instances of an object (typically a block) across multiple layout tabs in paper space (if it were in model, this wouldn't be a problem). The end goal being to change a property across the board. I know there's GATTE if it's a block attribute that needs changing, but that's not always the case. Ideally, some way to grab all instances with optional filters would be great. Really, I just want QSelect to have better functionality. It looks like someone addressed it here, but I'm not having any success with that method. Thanks for any help!
  6. Hi All, So I am having an issue that I have never come across before and hoping to get some suggestions here to fix the issue. Basically my usual paperspace template with my titleblock now has really thick lines and the text has become invisible unless you hover over it. Just to clear up a few things: - I have checked my page setup and there is no difference to before and it is set up to match the correct page size. "Plot with plot styles" / "Plot object lineweights" are both turned off. - Lineweights are also turned off. - All layers are switched on and none have been frozen in paperspace / viewport. - No items are on "defpoints" layer. Also just to add that this is now happening to every drawing I am opening which makes me think that it is not related to one specific drawing, as it seems to be an autocad configuration issue. Any help would be hugely appreciated as I have some deadlines to meet and cant be plotting that as my paperspace view! Help please!
  7. I could use some insight from some clever people..... Sorry for the length of the post, but I feel more explanation will help you in understanding my situation. I also believe this is a situation that MANY designers/Engineers face. I have tried to be as concise and brief as possible. We do custom fabrication of steel structures. We have a "bread-n-butter" product, as well as accommodating many different custom steel projects. Quite often these structures need many "small", and widely different parts. Therefore, for each project the fabricators need: part dwgs / details / subassembly details / etc.. (Just to be absolutely clear...) Definition of terms: Part: A piece of steel to be welded to another piece of steel, to create an over all assembly. Detail: A zoomed in or additional notes/dimensions provided of a particular joint of a steel part to another steel part. Evolution of the process over the past year: Previously we have used a single .dwg file for each and every part/detail. I've introduced having all parts/details for the project in one .dwg file. And have them shown in viewports in a layout tab with a titleblock. I'd like to automate as much of this process as I can. (The process is up for review if you wish to offer alternatives.) Using AutoCAD 2013. Process: MODELSPACE: The overall design of the project is completed. Any/all parts, steel joint details, fabrication details, sub-assembly details are created in the same .dwg file. LAYOUT TAB / PAPERSPACE: We would like to have as many parts/details on one printed sheet as possible. A company title block is in the layout tab. Multiple viewports are created in paperspace (as many as needed to show all the parts/details). Each viewport would show one of the parts/details from modelspace. Pictures worth their memory size: --→----→----↓-- ↓ Link to all the above images on Imgur.com LISP routine explained in reply ↓ *Edit* Added example .dwg file: View Parts in Layout.dwg
  8. Hello Everyone!!! I am having a hard time searching for this request, as I am unsure how to even begin. Hopefully you guys can assist me. What I would like to do is: There are times when I draw in modelspace, I get a little sloppy as far as organizing plans, elevations, and details. Some of it is due to poor planning while other times the drawing details will expand more than I had anticipated. Usually this happens after I have already set up my views in paperspace. What I am trying to see if it is possible to move modelspace objects and be able to quickly update the paperspace view because reorganizing can be tedious. Any pointers or info (other than be more organized) would be wonderful!
  9. All, I need to apply following setting to all of my layouts. Is it possible to achieve this by LISP?
  10. I have created a view to zoom to my titleblock and plot stamp so that I may check revision dates. I then put this to a macro for easy access to the view (I keep the ribbon closed for maximum screen size most of the time). It seems that these saved views are only saved in the current drawing and I would need to save a view for each drawing file. This can be cumbersome for many drawings. Is there an easier way to view a certain area in paperspace? Or is there a lisp out there to create a saved view in multiple drawing files? Thanks for your time, -Nobull P.S. I also just realized this saved view not only goes to certain position but also switches to that specific layout. Is there a way to just save a position in paperspace to use on any layout?
  11. I have pipes and equipment in modelspace. Walls and structural columns are XREFed in from another DWG. I want to create base + projected views in paperspace. However, the walls-and-columns drawing is 3 times the footprint of the stuff in THIS drawing: it would eat a lot of paper for no benefit. So I used XCLIP in modelspace to slice away the parts of the XREF I don't want. Then I used VIEWBASE over in paperspace. The whole (unclipped) XREF was created in the view. I know I can remove XREFs from the view with VIEWEDIT but I want to be able to measure off some of the walls; it's just that the walls are longer than I need (for this specific drawing). Does anyone have a silver-bullet solution to this? Otherwise I might be (1) going to Viewports instead or (2) slicing my building drawings into pieces. I am not too enthusiastic about either of those.
  12. It seems that in the 2015 release that you can no longer add a grid to paperspace. This was possible in previous releases. Am I missing something here? Thanks - Phil
  13. I have a drawing on paperspace and then i copy the viewports and set it a side off the paperspace, why no object or drawing show inside the viewports that i copied and set a side? I did zoom extend but still didn't see obj or did not see obj when plotted it.
  14. We have recently upgraded to 2014. Some of our plans created in 2011, when opened in 2014 have most of the objects missing in the paperspace tabs. This includes lines, polylines, blocks, ole objects, jpgs, and plain text. These are not xref'd items. A few members of our staff have LT 2014 and have opened these same drawings with the same error. We can recover using 2011, but if we recover the drawings in 2014 it won't allow us to save! Been searching the forums and net but can't find this exact problem. It's very frustrating!
  15. I have a quick question, I tried to copy some mtext from a different Paperspace and pasted into new drawing (on paperspace) but no text appear while all the layers are turned on. Below pic ask for specific insertiong point, i just specified on the screen but won't work. I opened new blank autocad drawing and tried to paste on paper space now it works. Any body please sugguest.
  16. I have a dwg that I'm using paperspace for text with a viewport of an xref'd 3D model, I have some mtext with background masking, using drawing background color, border offset factor of 1.2, it only masks when I hover over the text. I used Draworder and brought the mtext to the front, nothing I do works, what can the problem be? Fill is on, shademode is 2Dwireframe. I am using Acad 2011. Thanks for any help! R. L. Hamm
  17. Hello, our office is having an issue with certain drawings when we create a plot file to be printed by an outside printing company. Other drawings which are set up to plot in the exact same way do not seem to have this problem. The issue is that everything within the viewport plots as shown in the print preview, however; some of the paperspace elements on our title block do not print. OLE objects, additional viewports for legends, and brackets that are in paperspace are not printing. I appreciate any help you can give me with this issue.
  18. I have read some posts which encourage to draw the drawing in MS without dimensioning and do it in PS. This will solve the scaling of dimension properties like text height and arrow size. One dimension style could be used for all VPs in PS with different scales to maintain the uniformity. While drawing in MS, I need to know the dimension and that is why I am forced to put dimension in MS to ease the drawing process and avoid shifting back and force between MS & PS. Those members who still support dimensioning in PS, how solves this issue? I would like to hear members experiences and comments.
  19. Hello, I'm a fairly new Autocad user, and do not work for a professional drafting company. I was wondering if there was a way to see and adjust paperspace viewports in modelspace. By adjusting viewports in modelspace I would like to be able to adjust the size of my rectangular viewport in modelspace to encompass what I want, while keeping the viewport on paperspace the same size (to encompass the entire print page). I would like my modelspace viewport to simply adjust the zoom in and zoom out of my paperspace viewport. Otherwise if there are other suggestions, I'm open to them. I'm just trying to figure out a better method than individually zooming in and zooming out and re-adjusting my paperspace viewport. Thanks
  20. Okay, I'm new to drawing and I need help getting my text/dimensions to be legible on an 11x17 sheet. I had no problems when my company used Arch D (24x36) but in an effort to "going green" we converted to the B size paper (11x17). Has anyone found a useful chart for plotting in different scales. Maybe a standard size chart. I usually print in 3/8", 1/2", 6", and full size paper space viewports. Please save me from having to invent some type of microscope for paper!
  21. Hi Please note this is not the age old questions of model vs paperspace. I am having problems getting my head around why this particular drawing refuses to display paperspace objects that have broken linetypes, hidden, dashed etc are all displayed the same, as continuous. I can copy the drawing entities to another file and they display fine, what is even stranger is that they print fine. I have run through all the various LTSCALE commands, CE, MS, PS etc. I then thought it was a visual style problem but apparently that can't be it as they are not possible to be applied to Paperspace. At that point I thought about MEASUREMENT and that sort of thing. None of these make the linetypes display properly. I am at a loss to what it might be!! Any ideas of which setting has been thrown in this file? Thanks in advance. Test.dwg
  22. I'm just learning the differences between model space and paper space, and I'm having trouble drawing something in model space that has the same scale as the template I set up in paperspace. I set up a dwt with my border and title block, used it to open a new drawing, and started drawing in model space like I'm supposed to. But now, even though the paper size is supposed to be the same for both drawings (I checked this in Page Setup Manager), my drawing is huge in model space and not nearly as big as it needs to be when I view it in paper space with my template around it. How can I get the scale of the drawing to be the same and plot preview the same in both model space and paper space? Does it have something to do with viewports?
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