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Found 13 results

  1. Hi, I have recently tried to import a middle mouse button menu, that I have used on several version of Autocad in the past, currently using 2016, but for some reason will not seem to even pop up : and for some reason will not even let me right click with ctrl to get it so is there a option I am setting incorrectly: Regards, Jim
  2. So i make some lisp-cover them to fas. Put all in 1 folder and make 1 mnu file that load with menuload and load all that lisp. But now i want put that in USB and when i load it to autocad, whatever i click in any lisp i want password showup then when i enter password i can use all fuction of it. Every time i open autocad and use them i need reenter password. Any change i can make that?
  3. Sambuddy

    Menu update

    I am trying to load this menu using this code: (do not laugh if it looks dumb)! (defun c:MENLD (/ f) (if (setq f (getfiled "V:\\SALLE A DESSIN\\SAM - OUTILS XLS DWG\\3-LSP XLS\\MENU\\TOWER.cuix")) (progn (setvar 'filedia 0) ;(command "_.menuunload" (vl-filename-base f)) (command "_.menuload" f) (setvar 'filedia 1) ) (print "TOWER.cuix found...") ) (princ) ) The reason I wanted to do this was to update my menu each time someone changes something - But I think I am super beginner. is there a way to update your menu based on the address I provided - even if I have it already on my menubar? I guess unload previous and then load again from that address. Thank you all
  4. When I select some entities and send them to a layer that is off, frozen or both, I get an alert box that says "One or more objects has been moved to a frozen or turned off layer." That only happens when I send them off using the properties dialog box, when I send them off using the layers pulldown in the ribbon menu, I don't get this alert box. I prefer the second method only when I have a dwg with xrefs, because it won't list the huge list of xrefs, but I prefer the properties box because it does a lot more, but that alert box is annoying, can it be turned off? I'm using 2011 and am wondering if they have or will make the layers pulldown in the properties box filter out xref layers? Thanks! R.L. Hamm
  5. vertical horizons

    EMBOSS Icon Location ???

    Using AutoCAD Mechanical 2013, I can not find the EMBOSS Icon. Where is this button located? I even searched GOOGLE & YOUTUBE, but couldn't find an answer there, either.
  6. I had my AutoCAD set up so when I had multiple polylines on top of one another, I could just click the line and a small ("quickoption" maybe?) window popped up displaying the different layers that each line was on and I could select the line I was wanting to edit. Well, this disappeared (maybe I hit an "F" key) and now I can only select the line that is on the top or select all of them (sometimes I'll have 3-4 lines on top of one another and have them on different layers). Does anyone know how I can bring this setting back? I hope this is clear...as its challenging to type this issue in a search (as far as wording goes).
  7. I have generated the following Macro in a drop down menu for quick insertion of some of my company's standard blocks. I want to know how to add the function explode to the command so as soon as I have placed the block using the macro it exploded on placement or selection of the macro. ^C^C-insert;F:/Blocks/CAN.dwg
  8. Hi All, i have this customized menu for the company that i work for with all of the lisp routines that we use and i'm trying to figure out how to get the menu to load when Autocad starts like express does. any help would be appreciated. we are using 2012 & 2013. Brian
  9. hello something's changed in my autocad 2012 setup and I'm being asked to provide full written addesses within the system for files I want to "save as" under a different name, or insert as raster images for example. the moment I click on "save as" an on screen request pops up, like the one you see in the picture (my autocad is in french), asking me to provide the full path to where the file should be saved, instead of a window where I can browse. this is slowing me down massively and I have tried every possible set up change. can anybody help? many thanks
  10. Hallo everybody, this is my first post here, I'm writing because I'm having a really frustrating experience with Autocad... I don't know why, I never had such a problem since the latest version, never realized there was this problem. When I right click on a selected object, I need the contextual menu to show up but, very very often, the result is that the object moves itself slightly! And that's of course terrible. Basically, when I select an object and right click on it, it can randomly move to somewhere else (a few millimiters away from the original point, so it's often hard to notice if it moved or not) or autocad can show me the menu. This is not acceptable, of course! How can I disable this annoying and useless dragging feature? I've realized that these kind of things happens only now and looking at some of my drawings, I've seen that many objects (mainly hatches) are moved from the point they are supposed to be!! Please help..
  11. I use Autocad 2011, I'm a bit of a Cad newb, and I appear to have somehow messed up my right click short-cut menu settings. Before, I could right-click and get all of the edit options (delete, move, rotate, draw order, properties, select similar, etc.). I could get these options whether an object was selected or not. Now, my options are the "default" ones (Repeat, Pan, Zoom, Quick calc, etc, to name a few). This happened after I made an adjustment to the drawing in a viewport. Ie. I was in layout, clicked into model space to draw a line, then clicked back to paper space. I NEVER do this (I always switch back to model to edit), except for this one time. Also, if I select an object and hit "delete" on the keyboard, nothing happens. I've already tried adjusting the "shortcutmenu" command number, and nothing really changes in the shortcut menu itself. Also, when keying in a command, the keystrokes used to show up beside my cursor, but now they show only in the command line at the bottom. That's not really a big deal, but I did like the previous function. Any advice anyone could give me would be much appreciate. Remember I'm a newb, so please provide step-by-step instructions, if possible. Thanks!
  12. Dear CAD programmers, As you know when commands called from AutoLISP code, dialog boxes are suppressed and the command prompts for data entry from command line. Some of these commads for instances are "LAYER", "ARRAY", "BLOCK", "BOUNDARY", "PLOT", etc. Some of these commands with dual behaviuor, has different results, one of them is "CUILOAD". Could any one show a way to load a customization group into AutoCAD menus, and force it to view all its menus (Toolbars, Menus, Ribbons)? Sorry if I am not totally clear... Indeed English is my third language (after Persian and Azeri):wink:.
  13. For some reason in ACAD2011 they moved Copy w/base Point and Paste to the Clipboard sub menu. I'd like to move it so it doesn't take 2 picks. Can someone point me to the file where that is located? What is the file name and where is it located? Used to be easy just editing the acad.mnu file. Please help!! Thx!
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