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Found 2 results

  1. I have been stumbling through creating new families in content center on and off for the past few months. I recently created a new Family with a part that I drew up. Since this went fairly easy I decided to keep going while everything was fresh in my head. Now I am stuck again. I want to create a new family called "Nipples" in the Tube & Pipe category. When I publish my sketched part I cannot select or create a new family in that category. If i create a new category called Nipples in the Tube & Pipe category all the parameters are also copied. I do not want this. Now, I can create what I need fine if I create an entire new category but I want this to be a family in the Tube & Pipe category. Does this make sense to anyone? I tried to explain as good as I can but I am getting frustrated with the forum at AutoDesk where I really never get my questions answered. I am using Inventor 2013.
  2. magic_man1

    Default Instance Parameters

    I am modifying a pre-existing electrical panel family and the goal is to create text on the panel in elevation view to reflect the panel name. The issue I have seems to be that even though I type a default panel name in the "Panel Name" parameter (I used "zzz" so the value would stand out), when I load this family into a project and attempt to place my first panel, it comes in with a blank value in the "Panel Name" parameter slot. Typically, this would come in with a value of: "zzz". Again, this is an "out of the box" family that I am attempting to modify, so I am partly wondering if this is because a something has been done to force this field come into a project empty. Any ideas / thoughts are much appreciated. I will also say, that once the panel is inserted, you can give it a name, then update the family to include the functionality and everything works great (because it has a name now). The problem is, getting it to come in with a default name, so you can change it after placing it into the project. (I am using Revit MEP 2011) Thanks,
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