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  1. I have multiple objects that are closed polylines and need to enter the extrude value through the DCL interface. Some of the input boxes are left empty/blank, meaning some of object I don’t want to extrude. When I want to extrude, the script will stop when it encounters a blank or 0 value. How can I write a script to skip the blank input box? Due to limited skill, I am very basic lisp experience and DCL to complete this lisp. I hope everyone can help, thank you this is the lisp (defun c:3dext1 () (setq AR "arlayer") ;AR (setq CO "colayer") ;CO (setq FR "frlayer") ;FR (dcl_3dextr) (princ) ) (defun dcl_3dextr ( ) (setq dcl_id_PARA (load_dialog "3Dextr.dcl")) (if (not (new_dialog "dextr" dcl_id_PARA)) (exit) ) (set_tile "arval" "") (set_tile "coval" "") (set_tile "frval" "") (action_tile "accept-ht" "(get_1ht) (done_dialog 1)") (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog)") (setq dd (start_dialog)) (cond ((= dd 1) (main-extru)) ) (unload_dialog dcl_id_PARA) ) (defun get_1ht () (setq arh (atof (get_tile "arval"))) (setq coh (atof (get_tile "coval"))) (setq frh (atof (get_tile "frval"))) ) (defun main-extru (/) (command "_.view" "_swiso" ) (command "_.zoom" "_extents") (command "_.LAYER" "_T" AR "_S" AR "_F" "*" "") (command "_.extrude" "all" "" arh ) (command "_.LAYER" "_T" CO "_S" CO "_F" "*" "") (command "_.extrude" "all" "" coh ) (command "_.LAYER" "_T" FR "_S" FR "_F" "*" "") (command "_.extrude" "all" "" frh ) (princ) ) ;_ defun DCL here dextr : dialog { label = "extrude by val" ; :row { : edit_box {key = "arval"; label = "a"; edit_width = 3; value = "000";} : edit_box {key = "coval"; label = "c"; edit_width = 3; value = "000";} : edit_box {key = "frval"; label = "f"; edit_width = 3; value = "000";} : button { label = "OK"; key = "accept-ht"; width = 12; fixed_width = true; mnemonic = "O"; } : button { label = "Cancel"; key = "cancel"; width = 12; fixed_width = true; mnemonic = "C"; is_cancel = true; } } }
  2. Hello. In my drawing, there are many blocks around and it says how many floors they are inside. I want to extrude these blocks. But since they are so numerous, it takes a long time to do it one by one. I'm looking for a lisp to extrude these blocks according to the numbers written in them. It also works to select polylines based on the numbers inside I'm sorry for my bad english. http://prntscr.com/yz55au
  3. Hi, I'm quite new to 3d objects but fairly familiar with 2d. I have an object with 2 side elevations and 1 plan elevation and I would like to turn it into 3d, however due to the various curves on front and side I am stuggling a little as to what tools to use as I've played around with the extrude command which is fine for one side elevation and plan view but I need to also incorporate the front elevation which has its own curves. I have attached the elevations and plan as an image, so if anyone can give me some suggestions on how to achieve this it would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Chris Speaker.pdf
  4. Hey everyone i'm new to AutoCAD i need to make an adapter plate and need a bit of help, i'm trying to make two tapered holes in the plate with specific diameters on each end and i have tried cones but i don't know how to put them in the solid rectangle plate, and i have tried extruding circles but i don't have a taper angle to input only the top and bottom diameters. can someone please help Regards Helix
  5. I created a sketch on the face where the red arrow points to and extrude to get the groove cut out. My question is how can i extrude exact same thing all around? is that possible? or do i have to creat sketch each of them one by one, thanks Roll Dia is 4 in
  6. Here I have a flanged Alclad Plate I developed in AutoCAD2015 Trial, I since ran it through CorelCAD 2015 because I ran out of trial time. I have to sort it out to get more time. The problem is that I tried to put a third flange on the plate (a 90 deg one) after I had successfully extruded all the holes you can see. The 3rd flange was created by extruding concentric cylinders and subtracting a rectangular block from that. I found out I was having trouble when I tried to put a relief hole in the corner where the end of the 3rd flange meets the plate at a perpendicular intersection. That did not work; but sheetmetal workers do this before they bend the metal. I found that in the 2D views, the third flange separates form the plate. In the 3D model space, AutoCAD and CorelCAD both report the "assembly" as a 3D Solid. I would like to learn what is causing this to happen; stopping me making more holes.. Thank you for your help. CorelCad Alclad Flange 02042015 Stiffening Flanges A Relief Hole.dwg
  7. I'm having this issue where I draw a 2D shape, then use PressPull to make it 3D successfully. The problem arises when I come to move the 3D model to the side, at the bottom where the original model was, a 2D model remains. Is this normal with PressPull? This doesn't happen when using Extrude. I'm trying to figure out if it will be a problem when trying to join two models at the corners or?
  8. Wohoo! I found an Autocad forum that can be useful to an amateur guy like me! (Welcome to me! ) The problem I have today is that the only thing i succeed with is to make a solid platform protruding OUT from the object when I am expecting a hole... My idea is accordingly to make an oval hole right into the center of the axle.
  9. Vagulus

    Extrusion failure

    I need to extrude this shape 0.75" away. Inventor does not recognize it. The slots I can extrude, but I don't want to - yet. Why not the full shape? Thanks 6-119 Boom Swing Bearing for a Power Crane.ipt
  10. I tried to extrude or use hole command to make these holes on this plate, when i clicked on extrude then i got the message said No visible, Unadaptive sketches. what happened here? on the model browser it looks like I got duplicate names: there is Extrusion 1 listed twice on tree and Sketch 1 twice. usually when clicked on hole command it would give a preview of those holes but it didn't. this look different than 2014 inventor. any advice?
  11. morales2597

    Need to extrude

    I need help extruding this. my teacher hasn't really gone over AutoCAD 3D much so bear with me. Im a junior in high school btw What i need to do is get everything extruded to look like a gate. for the curvy things i used the command join to make all the lines of them go together. i did this to 1 and then copied that 1 to make all the others. the outer lines are joined too. basically rectangles. when i extrude it looks like a pink solid. you cant see any of the detail. it just looks lipe a pink brick help?
  12. Hi guys For some reason I can't extrude this polyline. I'd drawn it as a bunch of splines at first, but then I found out that they weren't joined together. I traced over all the individual splines with one spline, and then deleted everything underneath. It still won't extrude. Can anyone tell me why? I tried a bunch of things--pedit, joining, etc. Nothing. When I click 'extrude,' the command thing says 'select objects to extrude or [MOde]:'. I clicked my spline and it highlighted, and then I hit enter. The message doesn't change. Any suggestions?
  13. Hello guys. I been requested by my company to start a bit in 3D work. (after 8 months of working here.) Anyway, to sum up my problem, I will break it down for you so this issue can be resolved and allow others to learn from this post as well. 1. Summary on what I'm trying to do. Basically we are trying to make a 3D plate (in this case a 2" thick piece of steel) and have a 3D hollow shape inside. Its split into Top and bottom, as shown as the below picture. I have tried the loft command (which I just learned off within the past hour or so) and it indeed works. But I wish to use its as the opposite, where the middle is hollow and the rest is a solid object. I have tried the loft command (which I just learned off within the past hour or so) and it indeed works. But for the life of me does not know how to get it as one big object with the middle shape hollow. Am i missing a step or is it another command completely? Also, once the object has been created, I want to split the object on its X axis mulitple times, almost like an exploded view. Each split will have its own set of top and bottom orifices which will represent multiple plates. Is there a way to do that? Also is there a way to gain and separate the top and bottoms of these newly split plates? Here is the drawing file as well to work on -> 3D-MK1.dwg
  14. Skyhigh

    2D polyline to a surface

    Hello All, I have created a series of splined lines into a polyline (pedit) which I want to extrude. When I extrude the polyline I only get an extruded polyline and not a surface. I need to create a mesh or make the surface a face to extrude to make a solid. I have not used AutoCad for some years and have forgotten how to do this. I know that I am making an incorrect procedure here somehow. Can anyone give me some help or steer me into the correction. Thank you,
  15. dearprudence101

    Sphere won't traject down ramp

    Hello all, I've created a simple room with a sphere that rolls behind an occluder on a ramp. The ramp is made from extruding a line. When I use Trajectory----"conform from" and try to select the line, it doesn't seem to recognize it. In other words, the sphere is not conforming to the extruded line. I'm not sure what's going on, because if I create a simple line, the sphere will traject down it. If someone could take a look and figure it out, it would be a huge help. Thanks Box3.max
  16. paisis123

    2D to 3D - How can I do it?

    Hello CADtutor! It is me asking another ridiculously awesome question. Anyway, Im working on a private project to design a melee weapon for my Fanfiction. (which just hit 35K words) I have the design here Astral Axe V-002.dwg and the color scheme here Its called the Astral Axe. My question to you guys is: What is the best way to make this into a high quality 3D drawing? What is the best approach to this? And is there a way to render it and edit the final rendering with Photoshop when completed into 3D? Should I use GoogleSketchup? (Is there a way to transfer the 2D and extrude the 3D? Sorry for the boat load of questions. Its just I want to do so much and I have NO idea where to start.
  17. I'm having trouble extruding a profile i have created. Get "Cannot sweep or extrude a self-intersecting curve" error. I have used the overkill command to find any duplicate lines. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Trying to extrude along a straight line. profile.dwg
  18. Hi, This is my first post. I hope someone can help me. I have been given a file initially made in Solidworks that consists of the front end of a car made with surfaces. I have the Solidworks file as well as a IGES export and a STEP file version. The ultimate goal is to slice this model into 1-1/2 " slices so that it can be exported to BobCAD/CAM and milled. I have tried creating a plane off to the side of the model and drawing a pair of rectangles then extruding a cut through the model. Inventor does not allow me to even select the cut feature (I think this is called 'subtract', sorry I am not in front of my Inventor PC at the moment.) My question is, how can I take a 3D model made entirely of surfaces, and make a set of cuts so that I am left with only a slice of the model, which I can then export as an IGES or STEP file to be milled? I am fairly well versed in Inventor, but only making solid parts, not working much with surfaces. Thanks.
  19. I have modeled object from top and from profile. How can I merge these two views into one 3d model? I tried sweep and extrude but that didn't give any results, I'm a little confused. These are the top and profile view. Any ideas?
  20. Hi All, I need to design a 'stencil' of sorts - but it just needs to be an array of circles separated by a constant distance. its an array of 200 micron diameter circles separated by a distance of 500 microns each (between centers). Its super easy to make this array, but when I try to 'pull' it into the third dimension, or extrude the array, I get an 'invalid' error. Or the highlighted objects just get 'unhighlighted' (for the lack of a better word) once i hit enter after selecting them all. Also, I made the entire array into a 'block' of easiness. Any help is hugely appreciated! Thank you! Mukul
  21. Hi All, I need to design a 'stencil' of sorts - but it just needs to be an array of circles separated by a constant distance. its an array of 200 micron diameter circles separated by a distance of 500 microns each (between centers). Its super easy to make this array, but when I try to 'pull' it into the third dimension, or extrude the array, I get an 'invalid' error. Or the highlighted objects just get 'unhighlighted' (for the lack of a better word) once i hit enter after selecting them all. Also, I made the entire array into a 'block' of easiness. Any help is hugely appreciated! Thank you! Mukul
  22. Hi All, I need to design a 'stencil' of sorts - but it just needs to be an array of circles separated by a constant distance. its an array of 200 micron diameter circles separated by a distance of 500 microns each (between centers). Its super easy to make this array, but when I try to 'pull' it into the third dimension, or extrude the array, I get an 'invalid' error. Or the highlighted objects just get 'unhighlighted' (for the lack of a better word) once i hit enter after selecting them all. Also, I made the entire array into a 'block' of easiness. Any help is hugely appreciated! Thank you! Mukul
  23. 1. insert block (seems fine) at 0 elevation, 1X scale in plan view 2. lists as 0 elevation, normal attributes, etc 3. go to front view, and lists at weird -apparently random- negative elevation with -1" extrusion, *BUT* still shows at 0 elevation! 4. in plan view, copy block on same elevation, etc and lists/looks that way in plan view, then... 5. go to front (or back, etc) view, list shows copied block at weird, negative, *different* elevation (not same negative elevation as one copied from), *AND* with -1" extrusion ! (*but* still *shows* at 0 elevation, unlike our original problem where it was showing at the weird negative elevations) 6. driving us nuts... now, the original problem was in a file that was supposed to be 'flat' with everything at 0 elevation, but stuff was showing up at a bunch of different elevations, with all kinds of 1" or -1" extrusions that were not explicitly made... then, when we tried to use the change/prop/elev command to put everything back at 0 elevation, it says it can't do that because of differing Z elevations ! ! ! in this case, the entities *were* showing up at the elevations listed, no matter what view... done some knowledgebase searching, etc, but can't find a clue to the crime... any help/advice would be appreciated... (we've actually just gone and 'manually' moved all the stuff back to 0, dumped some stuff that was problematic, and are recreating the drawing, but this weirdness is showing up in other/new drawings...) thanks charley at svmarchitects dot com eof
  24. I have been fumbling with this for a while now, I dont know why i cant make this work. The extrude wont work because the self intersection circles, but i thought it would presspull, but it does not. i attached a jpg. Any ideas?? Press
  25. Is there a command to extrude something at like a an angle. Im not talking about taper but something that could extrude at an angle
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