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Found 8 results

  1. I have a small project on AutoCAD 2016. I was instructed to draw 3D model of Sydney Opera House. Can you suggest me some tips and tricks how to complete it? Espessially it is hard to model the shells. Thanks
  2. I have a 2D pipeline layout. Nodes on the pipe are known by their X and Z coordinates. A FORTRAN written code calculated the nodes displacement in 2 direction of x and z. I have to draw the nodes, connect them to each other to obtain pipeline layout and then draw the x and z deformations separately to show the deformed shape. Input format is like PN x y z 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 10 10 0 0 100 20 10 0 100 40 40 0 100 I though ACAD might be an easy tool to do this. I am trying to use MacLee's or Geobuilder's LISP routine to import the x and z coordinates into CAD. MAcLee's routine doesn't recognize node numbers at the beginning. So I shifted into Geobuilder's rotine. Still I am trying to use but with no lock till now. Do you know any easier method for drawing these simple stuff, coordinates and deformation? Is it possible easily in ACAD? My other limitation is that ACAD is the only software I have in my hands.
  3. Hello I have found a 3D drawing on the internet. but i want to print him in a realistic view from the top. this is the place where i have found it : Site like you see on the site ,an example of the 3d cad drawing in realistic colors,shadows, ... : but when i download the 3d autocad file i open it , and i can only print in this view: no realistic view, now is my question, is it possible to download the drawing from the site ,and print it in a realistic view ? ps: Sorry for my bad English
  4. Hi CAD lovers, Is it possible to distinguish between drawn objects (created by commands like: LINE, CIRCLE, ARC, ...) and constructed objects (created by commands like: OFFSET, FILLET (with radius), Chamfer (with distance), COPY, MIRROR (retaining source objects), ...)? Any help greatly appreciated.
  5. CaveMan

    Draw Arc on UCS

    Good Day How does one program to draw an arc(Point, Radius, Angle, Angle) The arc keeps getting drawn according to the WCS? The angles Relate also to the WCS. If a line gets drawn from two Point3D - no problem about the ucs - but arcs and circles retain to WCS even if the user has changed to a UCS? Aye Help needed here Even if just a simple example to draw an arc on current user UCS will be Great Cheers CaveMan
  6. HI Freinds Any one can help me on my model I try to Draw Transmission Tower with Autocad and I have the coordinates of joints of this model on notepad I try to import it to autocad with many way it not succed any one have an Idea how can I do this and drawing the members (line between joints) easily with autcad 2007 I'll be thank for your help.....
  7. I'm trying to draw a spring but keep getting it wrong.
  8. This is a geometry question, but I think folks here can help me to find a solution to draw it with CAD capabilites I have 2 points and a line given (both points on one side of line) I want to draw a circle so that it passes through two points and tangent to the given line. I tried a little bit but seams not be so easy (at least for me) Any idea. I have to say that still I couldn't solve the geometry of the question but there might be a solution in ACAD.
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