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  1. greensock

    Cannot animate constraints

    I am trying to make a robotic arm. The base is connected to rotate. Which is connected to link 2 which in turn joins with link3. Hook is attached to link 3. I want to move the links 2 and link3 up and down, but none of my constrainst seem to work and it won't let me animate it. Can you please help me out. I have also uplaoded the assembly and I used joints for the links as well. Where am I going wrong? rotate.ipt link3.ipt link2.ipt hook.ipt base.ipt Assembly.iam
  2. Hello everybody I do drawings that have to have call outs. However, sometimes the call out line crosses with lines of the drawing so every call out line has to have an offset of .025, this way, the line only touches the item im calling. Currently, I do an outside offset on the line both ways, then I use trim and cut everything inside. Sometimes my figures have up to 50 call outs and I have to do this process that is very time consuming. Is there a way I could to this faster? I thought maybe i could put a blank line below my callout line, that had the width of the offset. Or maybe two blank rectangles that had the space of the line between them. I'm new in AutoCad and I'm having some trouble trying to solve this. Note. I copy and paste my drawings to word with paste special Picture (Windows Metafile) so it has to look the same as autocad. Example. Last picture is the result I need.
  3. Hi very new to Autocad here - I've just downloaded Autocad onto my laptop, but my laptops number keys don't work so I am using my online keyboard viewer for numbers. When drawing in Autocad and putting in dimensions, is it possible to do it with an online keyboard? Because everytime I want to type in a number in the command section, I have to move my arrow to the on screen keyboard and select the numbers and this makes the line move aswell. Any suggestions??
  4. How do you use grips to modify an entity?
  5. How do you create multiple Paper Space layouts?
  6. This is my first ever attempt at learning AutoCAD and I'm having some issues. After I've chosen the starting points for a line, a box shows up and I'm not able to access the command line unless I enter something into it. E.G. 12, As soon as I hit that comma the box disappears until I plot my next point. Its incredibly inconvenient and I was wondering if there was any way to shut that option off? Thanks for your help.
  7. smashmash

    Rotation about an axis?

    I'm sure my beginner is showing, but I'm not sure how to constrain something to allow it to rotate about an axis. Basically, I have an axle which is grounded, and I need a wheel assembly to freely rotate about the axle. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
  8. I basically taught myself everything I know about AutoCAD in about 7 hours last night so I am very new, but I am very capable of this type of designing technique. I am trying to create a golf tee. I revolved a quarter circle all the way around to make a dome, then stretched the top of the dome to make a pointed cone (like an ice cream cone). That will be the bottom of the golf tee. I then tried to make a cylinder and then rotate it vertically so that it was sideways instead of straight up and down. The cone faces/points along the X-axis, meaning if I do a top view, I don't see a circle, I see the full cone. I want to attach these two object but they are not facing the same way. I could find a way myself, and I couldn't find a way on google to flip objects vertically so that they are flipped 90 degrees in space, making a vertical object horizontal. Is there any possible way to flip either of the objects? Are there any other ways of going about connecting a vertical cylinder to a horizontal cone? Also, how would I go about merging to object, I have tried connecting a downward facing dome to a vertical cylinder but I can get them to line up and would have no idea how to get them connected even if I did get them line up. I did see something about using "Union" but I couldn't find the tool and I don't know how to use it with the command. For the record, I am running AutoCAD 2014 for Mac. Any help would be great, thanks.
  9. I have spend the past few days trying to find digestible tutorials for out-and-out beginners in Inventor. There are the tutorials which come with AI15 - the video ones - which clearly show the abilities of the tutor, but dazzle me . Some of these appear to be attempting to present something like the concept of relativity in a three-minute video. There are a host of PDF tutorials which, I have no doubt, will be of inestimable value when I have a toddler's grasp of AI and would like to move from walk to run . Both types are written by well-intentioned folk who have simply forgotten that, in AI terms, I am barely at the crawling stage. One tutorial includes this warning: Before starting this tutorial, you should have been able to: • Construct, constraint and dimension sketches • Project geometry on sketch planes • Extrude sketched profiles • Revolve sketched profiles • Loft sketched profiles • Understand the concepts of work and placed features • Understand how to manipulate the history tree in the browser Far be it from me to criticise the author, rather I commend the author's clarity of thought because this list encapsulates what a beginner is looking for. The author is saying, "This tutorial is not for rank beginners - this is moving up a stage!" Unfortunately, I am a rank beginner and I want to learn the things on the list. It is fundamental concepts like this I have to master before I can move on to more impressive things. Can somebody point me towards a BEGINNER'S tutorial for Autodesk Inventor? Thanks
  10. I'm not sure the correct wording of what I'm trying to do so google hasn't been too helpful. I have a command that invokes a dialog box with the option to "edit" an object, among other things. I'm looking to automate some things. I want to run the command, (Defun C:bbb () (command "BEAM") Then select the option to edit, (don't know where to go here...) Then choose "select previous" and confirm the selection. If I could get that far I think I could get the rest regarding adding this to a double-click feature in the CUI.The ultimate goal of this for me is to double-click the "beam" and automatically open this dialog box in the edit mode and skip the steps of calling out the "BEAM" command, click edit and then select the beam. I'm trying to learn how to call out options within a dialog box using lisps as most of the commands I use all day have a dialog box that is used after beginning the command and then options after that. Hopefully this is clear enough for someone to understand. If not, I'll try to supply more info that I can. Thanks, Nobull, i.e. "Noob"
  11. Hi all! Having a bit of trouble with something I thought would be basic in CAD! I'm going to do some freelance visualisation work and the architects have supplied me with plans (PDF and DWG), some elevations are at a scale 1:200@A1 others are 1:100/1:75/1:50 etc. How do I convert or scale these drawings back to true size 1:1 so I can take the splines over to 3DS Max to speedup my workflow? Am I missing something simple here? I tried selecting and scaling up by x50/x75/x100 etc but nothing matches up with the dimensions given! Fairly advanced with the workflows of Max and Maya as an animation graduate but new to AutoCAD! Any help would be immensely appreciated!!! Kind regards, Andy
  12. Hey guys, I'm currently editing a pre-existing Title block to suit my needs, I've made my title block and when I'm in the block editor it looks how I want it too, The only issue is when I exit the block editor and return to the normal layer all my attribute editors disappear and the original blocks appears, I've tried deleting the layer the original are on but to no avail. I've attached a word document with the block editor view and the layout view any advice will be greatly appreciated Block Editor Version.docx
  13. johnny13

    Pipe Design Tutorial

    Hey Guys, I'm looking for a basic pipe design/layout tutorial. I have a basic understanding of AutoCAD and I'm looking to improve the quality of my DWG's I'm looking for a basic tutorial to show me how to do a pipe layout, how AutoCAD should be set up, and what looks good. I plan on creating a database of different pipe fittings and valves. Could anyone please help me get on my way with this task. Any advice would be greatly appreciated Regards, Johnny13
  14. Hi All:), I need help and forgive me for my naive and beyond basic questions:D. I've been put in charge of dividing the space of a future retail shop. I have been given the LOD/Rendering of the space which I have attached (click on link to view --> Retail LOD Rendering.pdf). The prospective Landlord requires approval of any changes to the space, and therefore wants to see the proposal on paper. I have been looking for CAD Software to use, but I don't know how to use the ones I've tried:oops:. As I understand it, CAD software is for Architects who already know their trade, and this is where I definitely fall short:cry:. Unfortunately, I don't have time to learn a complicated software, nor do I have unlimited funds to purchase it. I need to get this done ASAP, (i.e., yesterday:P) I have a budget of up to $300 - 500. I have been testing the following software: 3D Home Design This seems to be the best, but once I draw the Polygon Room, it can't draw the exact Dimensions for each wall. Once I draw the 1st wall, and draw the 2nd wall, the 1st wall automatically changes it's length. This software looks the best, but it optimal for Residential Homes, not a Retail Shop [*]pCon.Planner I'm not really sure how to use this:oops: [*]TurboCAD I'm not sure how to use this one either, and it installed some ride along software nobody wants on their computer:? What do you think would be the best suited software for this one-time project for a beginner like myself? Thank you so much in advance for any assistance you can provide. Take care!
  15. neko_designer

    beginner - code help

    hi, I just started reading about lisp and made my first "script", but it is giving me an error after drawing the first rectangle, and wont draw the next. can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong? thanks in advance (defun c:pl() (command "_thickness" 1 "") (command "_circle" '(0 0 0) 1 "") (command "_circle" '(10 10 0) 1 "") (command "_rectangle" '(0 0 0) "_Dimension" 4 5 "") (command "_rectangle" '(10 10 0) "_Dimension" 4 5 "") (princ) ;;clean exit )
  16. Hello everyone, in order to obtain a seabed profile for a school project, I need to get the Y coordinate of a polyline on several Kilometers with a fxed X step of 2m between each point. For the moment, the only manual solution I have found is to create a vertical line every 2m and to get the distance between the intersection of this line with my polyline and an horizontal line representing the mean sea level. Is there any way to automatize it because it is very long to do manually and I don't have enough time ? I did not succeed in doing this with dataExtraction. I also found on the internet a LISP file which extract the coordinates of points contained in the window. Nevertheless, I was told it is not possible to create automatically points on a curved polyline with a fixed x step. What I need at the end is an excel file of this type to use it in another software: X(m) Water Depth (m) 0 15.121 2 15.134 4 15.147 ... ... I precise I am a beginner in autocad, I have started today. Have you got any idea to solve this problem ? Thank you in advance
  17. Hello! I'm working on my first autocad drawing and am struggling to work out what it will actually look like when printed! when i go onto paper space the look of the drawing (a building plan) completely changes when i move the cursor across it, from clumsy thick awkward lines to neat drawing with correct hatching etc...I hope my drawing is the latter but i suspect it isn't! How do I know for sure? this is probably a really obvious question but I would really appreciate some advice Thanking you in advance em
  18. anasshad

    A Dummy Question

    Hello, I'm starting out with Autocad and I have a little question that may sound a little dumb to you'll but is really troubling me. I'm using autocad 2004 and when I try to draw a line in feet, the line just goes out of the the screen and the screen just doesn't scroll. It works fine when it is around 1 or 2 feet, but just goes out of the page when i try to draw above 5 feet. Please help me with this.
  19. tuudor

    Question about welded valves

    I am a beginner and work with MEP 2012. I have a problem concerning valves. My company mainly uses weldable valves and my boss wants me to have weldable valves on pipelines in 3D. The problem is that the only valves I can find in the catalogs are threaded and flanged valves. Does anybody know if MEP 2012 has any weldable valves or how can I modify the existing threaded valves in the catalog to make them look like welded valves on pipelines? Thanks!
  20. I am in a hurry with the project so I don't have time to write this lisp myself specially couse I don't have any experience in it, so if anyone can help that would be great. Anyway I have a lot of parcels drawn in autocad and what i need to do is trim all the polyline endings and intersections and insert a point in the middle. Manually I do it this way: - first i make circles (radius has to be 0.5) on the endings and intersections of polylines - then I trim all the lines inside the circles - then I insert a point in the center of circles and at the end delete circles. There is also a picture at the bottom showing the first and the last fase of the process. If anyone knows about the lisp that does that or maybe have time to write one it would help me a lot. Thanks in advance. :-)
  21. Hello everybody, I am a new person here and I have that kind of question in my assignment. To be honest with you, I got no clue.... What I know, is for what kind of drawings we can use AutoCad and for what kind of drawings we can not use AutoCad. Maybe someone here, could explain and teach me how to understand it. Thanks, Laurynas Question again: Justify the use of CAD for the production of a range of drawing types.
  22. Marcel8

    3D S Max Model detail

    Hi I'm new at 3D modeling. I see a lot of good models of anything but is curious about how they start these models. I see a face model that looks really good and smooth (very basic, no extra), but I want to know do they start with low poly models or do you start smooth? And when you start low poly, how do you know how many, and how do you know how the end result will look like. Of course you don't want to smooth a face until it looks like a balloon. In a few models I've made just from scratch (not faces but like a gun or whatever), I've used the Ctrl+M and it make it smooth on the selected polys but it pulls my verticies to places I don't want them to be, then I need to make little adjustments. Is this normal or what? I would like to hear from experienced 3D modelers that know a good solution to this. Thanks
  23. rosswhiteeca

    Blue boxes and double lines?!?

    Hi, I'm very new to AutoCAD and at some point I must have done something to cause two blue boxes to appear to the right of my crosshair whenever I hover over a line. Also, the lines double up when I do this! What's causing it and how do I get rid of it?
  24. ThomasHiensch

    a few beginners questions

    Hi, I have a few hopefully simple questions. And uhm, please answer them as if I'm dumb . 1. Why are free models I've downloaded all black? Adding lights doesn't seem to help either. 2. How can I make: a (grouped) car with realistic headlights? This would incloude beams, a glow, and lensflare. That's it for now, many thanks Kind regards Thomas Hiensch
  25. He guys, I'm new at 3dsmax and I need some help on modeling this thing . The first pic shows u how smooth it is and i want to know how to make it looks like that ? What I've done so far is showed at the pic number 2 . That cylinder and the box are still 2 different compound, I really need help on these ASAP . > Please tell me how to make it looks like in the pic 1, steps by steps if u will . >
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