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Found 4 results

  1. Hi to you all, i've been watching a lot of info on your site, now i decided to register myself. So here's my first issue. Been googleing and searching for quite a while now but i cant seem to find any solution. When i use Battman to re-arrange my attributes (in order to be able to auto-number them easily with a numbering-lisp), all values, rotation actions etc. are messed up and the block becomes unusable. I use 2009, I've also tried it in ACAD 2014, same story. Any ideas....cos the next step would be to create the block from scratch. thnx.
  2. dortega4269

    Battman Sync...

    I have about 50 dynamic blocks I place into my drawings that update using fields. They all insert at a standard dimension until I select it and edit the dynamic height. Once I save the drawing the attributes and fields update to reflect the new dynamic height, however, the attributes do not follow the objects to their new height, in order for this to happen I must use the BATTMAN Sync feature. Now here is the catch, when I place a dynamic block (Casework), enter the height and apply it to a layer, the attribute does not follow until I use the BATTMAN Sync feature, but if I simply select 'Casework' from the list the dynamic height is reset back to the blocks original state it was created. To avoid this I must select the *U## blocks from the list that represent all of the blocks I have inserted into the current drawing. The more blocks I insert into the drawing the longer the list. If I delete a block (*U500) the number is removed and the list continues from the highest number no matter if the block was deleted (*U501). What I'm looking for is a routine that would select all of the blocks within the BATTMAN menu only containing the *U## and apply the SYNC function. I have no clue if this is even possible, but this task is painstakingly tedious because the *U## given to the blocks is in no way decipherable which means you must sync each block individually until you hit the block you need -- when you have inserted 500 blocks the list is ridiculously long.
  3. I have hundreds of drawings with attributes that are duplicated. I can't go through each individual drawing, call up BATTMAN and delete them one by one. I need a way to automate the process. The duplicates always show up in EATTE and show up most of the time in BATTMAN. I need a lisp that will find and delete duplicates shown in RED while leaving the originals intact. Can anyone help?
  4. Is there any way to rename a tag without using battman? I need to replace some drawing borders and some of the attribute tags on the new border are named differently from the tags on the old border. I'd like to be able to use transparent commands to make a script file to do it automatically instead of calling up battman, clicking through and typing on every single one.
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