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Showing content with the highest reputation since 08/19/2018 in File Reviews

    Great solution! Suitable also for cadastral plans. Etc. The speed of work is particularly striking.
    3 points
    I use it in factory layout, is a very useful CAD plugin.
    2 points
    you`ve put good use of the lisp, dcl here.. great
    2 points
    Awesome! It's a very useful app. I use it all the time when I calculate the area.
    2 points
    Excellent utility that does exactly what it's supposed to do and with an intuitive user interface.
    2 points
    i guess (apply 'max (mapcar ''((x) (strlen x)) butlst)) is better than (+ (strlen (nth 0 butlst)) 10) 2 0) ; increase 10 if label does not appear or (setq len 10) (foreach lstlen AHbutlst (if (> (strlen lstlen) len) (setq len (strlen lstlen)) ) ) ... (rtos len 2 0) " ;") fo) ; increase 10 if label does not appear but i am new to lsp so my opinion aint count so much
    1 point
    This add-in is SO helpful. Thank you to those who contributed to this. This saves me so much time when I have to hatch stormwater drainage areas! Thank you!!
    1 point
  1. 1 point
    good movement ... my problem solved ....
    1 point
    This app greatly saves my time! I often have to draw complex outlines of various rooms.
    1 point
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