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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/28/2024 in Files

  1. Version 1.0.1


    Thank you for supporting this "HP:BUTTONS.lsp" DCL library. This routine allows you to create DCL with multiple buttons associated to DCL action_tile list on the fly. It creates DCL box with single column x nRows of buttons, 'n' depends on the length of the 'action list' usage: (hp:buttons title lst width ht) title = Name caption on top of DCL - string lst = quoted list or progn list - list width = Width of the dialod box - integer ht = height of each button - integer returns nil or any execution (progn ... ) related to action_tile Save this file into your support folder, append to your startup autoload routine. In order to optimize the user experience, it allows maxinum 15 rows however you can abjust depends on screen size. HP:BUTTONS - v1.0 Free LISP by - hanhphuc email: hanhphuc.diy@outlook.com
    2 points
  2. Version


    TotalBoundary (Pro) is a professional plugin for generating 2D outline drawings of various degrees of complexity with AutoCAD®. The outline drawings it creates are closed polylines marking the boundaries of various types of objects, which can include elementary entities (lines and arcs) as well as complex blocks and curves (ellipses and splines). What sets the TotalBoundary (Pro) utility apart from AutoCAD's built-in tools (such as BOUNDARY, BPOLY) and from other third-party programs is its high productivity and stability, and also the quality of the outlines it generates. The inbuilt algorithm for detecting spacing (gaps) between neighboring objects allows users to create enclosed outline polylines with exceptional accuracy. The program can process tens of thousands of objects extremely efficiently (in a matter of seconds), flawlessly generating highly complex outline polylines in the selected drawings. Key features: The program's powerful engine allows it to build enclosed polylines rapidly along the perimeter of selected drawing fragments. The original drawing needs no advance preparation (removing superfluous unconnected lines, creating an additional enclosed boundary polyline around the original drawing fragment). When the program creates an outline, it automatically identifies and removes gaps in places where primitives meet. The maximum size of these gaps can be set directly by the user. The program replaces splines and ellipses used in defining an outline with true polylines created by means of piecewise linear approximation. The user can also easily set the thickness and color of the polylines the program generates, if required. The program offers an automatic filling (solid hatching) option for the outlines it generates.
    1 point
  3. 735 downloads

    Apollonius problem : (PPP, LPP, LLP, LLL, CPP, CLP, CLL, CCP, CCL, CCC) P - point L - line C - circle Routine finds all CIRCLES that touches or passes (point) as tangent curves to combination of (C - circle; L - line; P - point) Relevant page on Wikipedia : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Problem_of_Apollonius And my video demonstrating my routine : https://youtu.be/cuo4M9UGZmA Number of circles demonstrated in video corresponds to Wikipedia table at the end of page... Regards, Marko Ribar, d.i.a. (architect)
    1 point
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This file is about very common request by almost every user of CAD software in search for automatic dimensioning routine... This is one example regarding solving this issue, but many specific questions were asked that this routine can't handle, but solutions were provided by others in quest for helping users that asked for help... So here is one of my versions that may help in automatic dimensioning architectural drawings (i.e. walls and openings)... I hope that this version may prove very useful to others, if nothing than for studying the uploaded "autodim.lsp"... If reference LWPOLYLINES, LINES or ARCS are in some 3D UCS aligned so that they lie in it, while dimensioning their elevation and elevation of dimensions can be changed, so you have to pick firstly some point on any dimension except dimradial and then you should 3DORBIT and apply "(c:autodim-dimtozero)" that is added to the end of "autodim.lsp" to dimradial dimensions to make them all at elevation 0.0 both all dimensions and reference entities that were dimensioned... HTH. Regards, M.R. (architect)
    1 point
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This is a simple answer to export a Autocad/Bricscad table to excel, it expects a Title line as 1st line, then data etc . Simply pick the table excel will open and be auto filled, you can save then to what ever name required. Can be used as a library file just (load " Table to excel") as it will run automatically.
    1 point
  6. Version 2


    Multiple Radio Buttons Multiple Radio Buttons is a library routine that allows you to create as many Buttons of input as required (subject to Autocad limits) using a dialouge rather than the command line. You can have horizontal or vertical buttons choice is yours Its use is intended where you want the user to pick one only of preset values it can be a number, a character or a whole word. It can be used in most lisp code with just a couple of lines of code, compared to a hard coded solution of around 50+ lines repeated every time you want to use a dcl. To use just save the "Multi Radio Buttons.lsp" to a directory that is included in you Autocad search path. If you need more information how to do this send an email to info@alanh.com.au It only requires 3 lines of code in any lisp to use. (if (not AH:Butts)(load "Multi radio buttons.lsp")) ; loads the program if not loaded already (if (= but nil)(setq but 1)) ; this is needed to set default button for user pick (setq ans (ah:butts but "V" '("A B C D " "A" "B" "C" "D" ))) ; V is for vertical H for horizontal layout In the example above the variable ans will have the button string value. (setq ans (ah:butts but "V" '("Please choose " "Alpha" "Beta" "1" "2" "No words"))) Pick button 5 ans = "No words" The program resets the default button to last pick so click Ok, can be removed if not required. Copy the 3 lines above to your command line to see how it works. There is extra examples in the top of the code how to use in your code. For programmers it is a replacement for the Initget function. If you want further information or conversion of your code email info@alanh.com.au
    1 point
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Hi guys, This seems like it's already posted somewhere, but I'll just throw it out here anyway. This code allows you to calculate the total lengths of multilines segregated by their multiline size/scale. In order to use the attached LISP code, initiate the APPLOAD command from AutoCAD, and load this file. Once you've done so, you'll notice that you'll have a new command TML. To use the TML command: Select all the multilines that you'd like to calculate for its lengths. Click a point somewhere and an MTEXT will be created with the details for the lengths of the multilines for each size. Feel free to add any ideas, thoughts, criticisms, etc... and I'll try to modify them.
    1 point
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