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  1. Don't use '(command "-insert"... ' Use the function I attached instead. Of course: this function assumes that the invoked block is already defined by the user and contains the attributes specified in the argument list. This, i think, will solve all your problems (defun insertBlk (nmBlk east north npt elev descr / fijAtributos insertaBlqAtrbs) (defun fijAtributos (vlaEntBlq nPto cota descripcion / attr-list attr-postion Attr_Object lisAtributos ) (setq lisAtributos (safearray-value (variant-value (vla-getattributes vlaEntBlq ) ) ) ) (VLAX-PUT-PROPERTY (nth 0 lisAtributos) "TextString" nPto) (VLAX-PUT-PROPERTY (nth 1 lisAtributos) "TextString" cota) (VLAX-PUT-PROPERTY (nth 2 lisAtributos) "TextString" descripcion ) ) (defun insertaBlqAtrbs (nombre pt_ins) (vla-InsertBlock (vla-get-modelspace (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object) ) ) (vlax-3d-point pt_ins) nombre 1 1 1 0 ) ) (setq vlaEntBlq (insertaBlqAtrbs nmBlk (list east north))) (fijAtributos vlaEntBlq npt elev descr) ) ;;;(insertBlk "Nan Glase" 400000 4500000 "1" "333.33" "My description")
    1 point
  2. A few comments; Dont need CSV can read excel or Libre calc directly, search here for "Alan excel.lsp" it has lots of functions that you can use. Happy to discuss further. Yes or No, there is a Acet function "yes no", do a google, or you can use this radio buttons program which can be used in any code, there is a yes or no example at the top of the code. The other is to use a INITGET method. Multi radio buttons.lsp Ps why not add a point number in excel so easy to just do 1 & 2 column "A" then drag down to last cell. A Ps ps the code can update your excel re a point number adding to column "A".
    1 point
  3. classic case of setvar "ATTREQ" 0 at begin of routine? Same for setvar "CMDECHO"
    1 point
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