Version 1.0.0
This file is about very common request by almost every user of CAD software in search for automatic dimensioning routine... This is one example regarding solving this issue, but many specific questions were asked that this routine can't handle, but solutions were provided by others in quest for helping users that asked for help...
So here is one of my versions that may help in automatic dimensioning architectural drawings (i.e. walls and openings)...
I hope that this version may prove very useful to others, if nothing than for studying the uploaded "autodim.lsp"...
If reference LWPOLYLINES, LINES or ARCS are in some 3D UCS aligned so that they lie in it, while dimensioning their elevation and elevation of dimensions can be changed, so you have to pick firstly some point on any dimension except dimradial and then you should 3DORBIT and apply "(c:autodim-dimtozero)" that is added to the end of "autodim.lsp" to dimradial dimensions to make them all at elevation 0.0 both all dimensions and reference entities that were dimensioned...
Regards, M.R. (architect)