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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/2024 in all areas

  1. Version 1.0.0


    This is a simple answer to export a Autocad/Bricscad table to excel, it expects a Title line as 1st line, then data etc . Simply pick the table excel will open and be auto filled, you can save then to what ever name required. Can be used as a library file just (load " Table to excel") as it will run automatically.
    1 point
  2. Try this, note you need to do the is it a block "INSERT" or a "LWPOLYLINE" choice. (defun c:wow ( / oldsnap d1 d2 plent) (setq oldsnap (getvar 'osmode)) (setvar 'osmode 1) (while (setq pt (getpoint "\nPick control corner Enter to exit ")) (setq ss (ssget pt)) (setq plent (ssname ss 0)) (setq lay (cdr (assoc 8 (entget plent)))) (setq co-ord (mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (x) (= (car x) 10)) (entget plent)))) (setq d1 (distance (car co-ord) (cadr co-ord))) (setq d2 (distance (cadr co-ord) (caddr co-ord))) (if (< d2 d1) (command "rectang" "D" d1 d2 pt (getvar 'extmax)) (command "rectang" "D" d2 d1 pt (getvar 'extmax)) ) (command "erase" plent "") ) (setvar 'osmode oldsnap) (princ) ) (c:wow)
    1 point
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