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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/2024 in all areas

  1. I always wondered why they never bothered to use anything but A. This is like finding the Holy Grail!! Well, not that awesome, but wow! <makes note in Buried Features of AutoCAD>
    1 point
  2. Hard to tell what the issue might be. PDSIZE affects AutoCAD points, so if you're using a different type, it may not be affected. Also check the point type with PTYPE (which lets you adjust the size as well). Maybe change the point type to see if that has any effect; if not, you're dealing with something else. When I drew an AutoCAD point and adjusted the PDSIZE variable, it did what it should have.
    1 point
  3. Try adding this linetype definition: *FENCELINE4,Fenceline square []-----[]----[]-----[]----[] S,.0001,[BOX,ltypeshp.shx,x=-.1,s=.1],-.1,0.65,-.1,[BOX,ltypeshp.shx,x=-.1,s=.1],.0001 In a linetype definition A keeps distances exact and adds line segments on the ends. S doesn't add line segments at the ends, it adjusts the lengths of the line segments in between. Make sure PLINEGEN (System Variable) is set to the default value of zero(0) so the endpoints will be at each vertex of the polyline. Undocumented since AutoCAD version 9 but still works.
    1 point
  4. it does not work tough.. @mhupp your examples do work, and i do not say otherwise, but im still saying that "\\n" does not work and is wrong. "\n" would write a new line, with "\\n" however the "\" will be interpreted as a normal string character and it will not write the rest to a new line it will instead write literally "\n" to the file. in the first code of this thread op asked why his code is not working, in that code i pointed out those 2 "\\n" parts so he can check if that is correct. If you write his code to a file and open the file this is what the .dcl looks like: tccz:dialog{ label="Layer Operations"; :row{ :button{label="object select";key="accept";is_default=true;fixed_width=true;width=4;} :button{label="Dim Select";key="notuxian";fixed_width=true;width=4;} } :row{ :button{label="Isolate Select";key="geli";fixed_width=true;width=4;} :button{label="Close Select";key="nogeli";fixed_width=true;width=4;} } :row{ :button{label="Lock Select";key="suoding";fixed_width=true;width=4;} :button{label="Lock Unselect";key="nosuoding";fixed_width=true;width=4;} } :row{ :button{label="Freeze Select";key="dongjie";fixed_width=true;width=4;} :button{label="Freeze Unselect";key="nodongjie";fixed_width=true;width=4;} } :row{ :text{value="when the command is first executed";is_enabled=flash;\n fixed_width=true;width=29;fixed_height=true;height=0;} } :row{ :button{label="Color uniformity";key="bylayer";fixed_width=true;width=4;} :button{label="Restore";key="huifu";fixed_width=true;width=4;} } :row{ :button{label="Layer Management";key="state";fixed_width=true;width=4;} :button{label="cancel";key="cancel";is_cancel=true;fixed_width=true;width=14;\n fixed_height=true;height=1;is_enabled=true;is_flash=true;} } :toggle{label="Continue last status";key="continu";fixed_width=true;width=4;} } As you can see in line 20 and 28 there are the \n parts. (after fixing that flash stuff, still dont know what that is) When running the dcl you will continue to get a error in Line 20 until you remove that \n, same with line 28. After removing all the "\\n" aswell as that "flash" stuff the dcl does show up.
    1 point
  5. Here's an example and hopefully there's not any issue because I am typing from Mobile. (or *offset* (setq *offset* 1.0)) (cond ((getdist (strcat "\nSpecify Offset Distance < " (itoa *offset*) " > : "))) (*offset*))
    1 point
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