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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/2024 in all areas

  1. to get you started ;;; written for rdx 2024-07-12 (defun c:rdx ( / dcl-fp dcl-fn dcl-id continu) (vl-load-com) (rdx_write_dialog) (rdx_start_dialog) (princ (strcat "\nValue of continue last selection : " (vl-princ-to-string continu))) (princ) ) (defun rdx_write_dialog ( ) (if (and (setq dcl-fn (vl-filename-mktemp "tmp" "" ".dcl")) (setq dcl-fp (open dcl-fn "w"))) (mapcar '(lambda (x)(write-line x dcl-fp)) (list "tccz : dialog {" " label=\"Layer Operations\";" " :row{" " :button{label=\"object select\";key=\"object_select\";is_default=true;fixed_width=true;width=4;}" " :button{label=\"Dim Select\";key=\"notuxian\";fixed_width=true;width=4;}" " }" " :row{" " :button{label=\"Isolate Select\";key=\"geli\";fixed_width=true;width=4;}" " :button{label=\"Close Select\";key=\"nogeli\";fixed_width=true;width=4;}" " }" " :row{" " :button{label=\"Lock Select\";key=\"suoding\";fixed_width=true;width=4;}" " :button{label=\"Lock Unselect\";key=\"nosuoding\";fixed_width=true;width=4;}" " }" " :row{" " :button{label=\"Freeze Select\";key=\"dongjie\";fixed_width=true;width=4;}" " :button{label=\"Freeze Unselect\";key=\"nodongjie\";fixed_width=true;width=4;}" " }" " :row{" " :text{value=\"when the command is first executed\";is_enabled=true;fixed_width=true;width=29;fixed_height=true;height=0;}" " }" " :row{" " :button{label=\"Color uniformity\";key=\"bylayer\";fixed_width=true;width=4;}" " :button{label=\"Restore\";key=\"huifu\";fixed_width=true;width=4;}" " }" " :row{" " :button{label=\"Layer Management\";key=\"state\";fixed_width=true;width=4;}" " :button{label=\"cancel\";key=\"cancel\";is_cancel=true;fixed_width=true;width=14;fixed_height=true;height=1;is_enabled=true;}" " }" " :toggle{label=\"Continue last status\";key=\"continu\";fixed_width=true;width=4;}" " }" ) ) ) (if dcl-fp (progn (close dcl-fp)(gc))) ) (defun rdx_start_dialog ( / rtn ) (if (and (< 0 (setq dcl-id (load_dialog dcl-fn))) (new_dialog "tccz" dcl-id)) (progn (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog 0)") (action_tile "accept" "(done_dialog 1)") (action_tile "object_select" "(alert \"object select\")(done_dialog 2)") (action_tile "notuxian" "(alert \"Dim Select\")(done_dialog 3)") (action_tile "geli" "(alert \"Isolate Select\")(done_dialog 4)") (action_tile "nogeli" "(alert \"Close Select\")(done_dialog 5)") (action_tile "suoding" "(alert \"Lock Select\")(done_dialog 6)") (action_tile "nosuoding" "(alert \"Lock Unselect\")(done_dialog 7)") (action_tile "dongjie" "(alert \"Freeze Select\")(done_dialog 8)") (action_tile "nodongjie" "(alert \"Freeze Unselect\")(done_dialog 9)") (action_tile "bylayer" "(alert \"Color uniformity\")(done_dialog 10)") (action_tile "huifu" "(alert \"Restore\")(done_dialog 11)") (action_tile "state" "(alert \"Layer Management\")(done_dialog 12)") (action_tile "continu" "(setq continu $value)") (setq rtn (start_dialog)) (unload_dialog dcl-id) (vl-file-delete dcl-fn) ) (princ "\nUnable to start dialog") ) (if (null continu)(setq continu "0")) (cond ((= rtn 0) (princ "\nYou clicked on cancel")) ((= rtn 1) (princ "\nYou clicked on ok")) ((= rtn 2) (object_select)) ((= rtn 3) (notuxian)) ((= rtn 4) (geli)) ((= rtn 5) (nogeli)) ((= rtn 6) (suoding)) ((= rtn 7) (nosuoding)) ((= rtn 8) (dongjie)) ((= rtn 9) (nodongjie)) ((= rtn 10) (bylayer)) ((= rtn 11) (huifu)) ((= rtn 12) (state)) ) ) (defun object_select ()(alert "under construction - object_select")) (defun notuxian ()(alert "under construction - notuxian")) (defun geli ()(alert "under construction - geli")) (defun nogeli ()(alert "under construction - nogeli")) (defun suoding ()(alert "under construction - suoding")) (defun nosuoding ()(alert "under construction - nosuoding")) (defun dongjie ()(alert "under construction - dongjie")) (defun nodongjie ()(alert "under construction - nodongjie")) (defun bylayer ()(alert "under construction - bylayer")) (defun huifu ()(alert "under construction - huifu")) (defun state ()(alert "under construction - state")) alternative for your dcl code : (defun rdx_write_dialog ( ) (if (and (setq dcl-fn (vl-filename-mktemp "tmp" "" ".dcl")) (setq dcl-fp (open dcl-fn "w"))) (mapcar '(lambda (x)(write-line x dcl-fp)) (list "tccz : dialog {label=\"Layer Operations\";" ":boxed_row {label=\"Select layer operation : \";" ":column {:bt {label=\"Object Select\";key=\"object_select\";}:bt {label=\"Isolate Select\";key=\"geli\";}" ":bt {label=\"Lock Select\";key=\"suoding\";}:bt {label=\"Freeze Select\";key=\"dongjie\";}}" ":column {:bt {label=\"Dim Select\";key=\"notuxian\";}:bt {label=\"Close Select\";key=\"nogeli\";}" ":bt {label=\"Lock Unselect\";key=\"nosuoding\";}:bt {label=\"Freeze Unselect\";key=\"nodongjie\";}}}" "spacer;" ":boxed_row {label=\"When the command is first executed : \";" ":column {:bt {label=\"Layer Management\";key=\"state\";}:bt {label=\"Restore\";key=\"huifu\";}}" ":column {:bt {label=\"Color Uniformity\";key=\"bylayer\";}:bt {label=\"Future\";key=\"future\";}}}" ":toggle {label=\"Continue last status\";key=\"continu\";}spacer;ok_cancel;}" "bt :button {width=26;fixed_width=true;}" ) ) ) (if dcl-fp (progn (close dcl-fp)(gc))) )
    2 points
  2. Yes could be, but wouldnt you just use "\n" for it? i mean not a double backslash? not sure. Either way i think its useless since you can just keep the rest of the text on the same line.
    1 point
  3. Dear Sir.. Thank you very much .. i am fan of you ..
    1 point
  4. Maybe try a dynamic block with array or just array. I did a fence in AutoCAD Architecture tool set by modifying a stair railing, it was 3D, but the overhead shot was an accurate post placement shot. Modifying the stair rail was pretty easy after some trial and error, I actually made various 3 board and 4 board fences until a decision was made on which to use.
    1 point
  5. This has been discussed many times and the way line types work they do not add end points. End distances can leave odd spacing, so you have a couple of choices, add a Box at ends or vertices pretty easy to do. Make a linetype lisp it asks for max min spacing so will draw a box at end points, with a box evenly spaced. Ps box is a block with wipeout.
    1 point
  6. I am not quite sure why you have posted this topic in the AutoLISP, Visual LISP & DCL forum. Perhaps you should post it in the The CUI, Hatches, Linetypes, Scripts & Macros forum. Anyway, I understand linetypes to give an indication of the feature involved, instead of an accurate depiction and placement of the individual elements. A linetype goes from pick point to pick point and the main line cannot be offset in the .lin file. If you need the pillar to be placed accurately, I suggest you draw it and forget trying to make a linetype
    1 point
  7. also this: is_enabled=flash; is_enabled needs Boolean, so true or false. what is is_flash=true;?
    1 point
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