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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2024 in all areas

  1. @sadishpaul what you asking for is 20 times more complex. I don't think you're gonna get a freebie on this one, unless someone really wants the challenge. I suggest you get https://superboundary.com instead, and no - i do not represent this company nor have any affiliation with them. I just did a simple google search. I think the price is well worth it if you need this. Also see:
    1 point
  2. Load the code into the VLIDE. Run it from AutoCAD. You get the error "; error: bad argument type: stringp nil" Now return to the VLIDE Choose View > Error Trace. That opens the Error trace window. On line 2 of that window, you can see that the error is on this line: If you right-click on there, and choose Call Point Source, it will take you to the line of the code where the error is occurring. So it looks like this file must be saved as "Legend.lsp" and be located in the support file search path. I did this and it runs okay now.
    1 point
  3. Good information, but there is another solution to copy/pasting the whole drawing into a new drawing if the text gets messed up after 3D orbit. The problem isn't actually with 3D orbit, it's that panning while in the 3D orbit command moves the "target" of the view, and if the "Target" isn't at the same Z position as the TrueType font then smoothing (anti-aliasing) is disabled. This is the same reason TrueType fonts with z-values other than 0 (relative to the view) display jagged. To correct the problem, use DVIEW to reset the z-value of the view to 0. Here's a macro that will reset the view, which I've assigned to a button to quickly reset any view. ^C^C_.Dview;;_Point;0,0,0;0,0,1;;
    1 point
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