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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2024 in all areas

  1. As above, what is your desired result (in words not code)? CAD is in the office tonight, CBAd packing it all up to bring home, but, and without checking these are just ideas: (while (/= (getvar 'cmdactive) 0) ; Check if a command is active (setq ss (ssget)) ; Prompt the user to select objects could be (while (setq ss (ssget)) ; Prompt the user to select objects (if the user selects something continue in the loop. Can then get rid of the next 'if' command (setq numJoined (getvar 'cmdresult)) I'll need the work laptop to confirm what the output from join is - can't remember if it is just a command line prompt or if you can grab it in LISP
    1 point
  2. I'm at home, CAD is in the office so can't copy and paste anything. I have a pagsetup LISP / series of LISPs, rather than copying from one setup to another the codes just set things. Usually we have 3 or 4 large clients and ourselves which means about 12 pagesetups (A3, A1, A0 page sizes, 4 clients) and you don't need the drawing with the template on. I think there about about 6 things to work out and set: plotter, Paper size, Plot area, centre the plot, plot style, plot options and orientation. From what I remember all the LISPs I use to set these were downloaded - might be somethng out there that you can make up to do as you want. With a single LISP you can apply this to a script process to change a lot of files as necessary
    1 point
  3. @samifox Honestly I don't understand why you would need this. The JOIN command itself will join multiple lines and Arc sequences together and outputs how many things it joined together into how many polylines. It's not like the old PEDIT command, where you had to "brute force" it as mhupp was saying.
    1 point
  4. YOU RE A LEGEND THANKS 3dwannab
    1 point
  5. I have this that repeats the command 3 times because one purge usually doesn't do it. ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Purge 3 Times (defun C:PUALL () (repeat 3 (command "_.Purge" "A" "*" "N")) ) it might work with brute force?
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Your profile says 2015 but is this a Revit question ? I can not help.
    1 point
  8. There are a few people going down this path, making ARX function library, I know of another to do with Excel functions. Yes have tested them, but still use lisp. Another is a poster pushing python code again need a runtime. I stay away from 3rd party add ons like DOSLIB have enough problems with clients just running lisps, without adding an extra load that they struggle to do. Look at LT2024 no DOSLIB.
    1 point
  9. A courtesy of mine to share what I use in my workplace. Sums by all general properties CurveTotal.LSP
    1 point
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