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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2024 in all areas

  1. 20 19 is what your looking for, I dont know why 2 values, a min max thing, as suggested in code tested with 145 144, its number of characters in the edit box. You can make each edit box a different size like 4 3 for say 1-10 then 30 29 for a big string. A further hint if you set a variable to say a number you can use that variable in the lst (setq lst (list "Please enter values " "Enter client name: " 20 19 " " "Enter location: " 20 19 " " "Enter crop: " 20 19 "10" "Enter date code: " 20 19 " " "Enter acres: " 20 19 " " "Enter plant count: " 20 19 " " "Enter application rate: " 20 19 "20")) (if (= apprate nil)(setq apprate 20)) (setq lst (list "Please enter values " "Enter client name: " 20 19 " " "Enter location: " 20 19 " " "Enter crop: " 20 19 " " "Enter date code: " 20 19 " " "Enter acres: " 20 19 " " "Enter plant count: " 20 19 " " "Enter application rate: " 20 19 (rtos apprate 2 0)))
    2 points
  2. Again "Trying to find how you make a double arrow Mleader ?" A dynamic block may be useful also.
    1 point
  3. "then at the next launch command markers are set with a coefficient of 0.5, " I would look at using Ldata to save the scale value in the dwg, it is dwg dependent not global. (if (= ahsc nil) (setq ahsc (vlax-ldata-get "AlanH" "ahscale")) ) ; need second test for ahsc is nil (if (ahsc nil) (progn (setq ahsc 50) (vlax-ldata-put "AlanH" "ahscale" ahsc) ) )
    1 point
  4. @Nikon You can simply declare the "factor" and "suffix" variables locally to have the question asked each time you use it. Change (defun c:LEVEL-PT ( / pt ss e_ref ang obj# obj) To (defun c:LEVEL-PT ( / pt ss e_ref ang factor suffix obj# obj)
    1 point
  5. Steven P has provided a solution for default value does not exist, you could use a list of tile names and use foreach to set the tile value. Rather than multiple IF's. No code just a suggestion.
    1 point
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