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  1. maybe : (defun C:prdef (/ default-text-height product_list rtn product) (defun create-layer (s c)(command "-layer" "make" s "col" c s "")) (setq default-text-height 2.5) (create-layer "00-Equipment List" 3) ; Number 3 is used for green color (setq product_list '("Product-1" "Product-2" "Product-3" "Product-4" "Product-5" "Product-6" "Product-7" "Product-8" "Product-9" "Product-10" "Product-11" "Product-12" "Product-13" "Product-14")) (if (setq rtn (dip product_list)) (progn (setq product (car rtn)) (initget 1) (while (setq pt (getpoint "\nChoose a location (exit with ENTER): ")) (command "_.-layer" "_S" "00-Equipment List" "") (command "_.text" pt default-text-height 0 product) (command "_.-layer" "_S" "0" "") ) ) ) ) ;;; DIP - Dynamic Input , Rlx Sep'23 ;;; sort of (grread) for dcl with exception for space, tab & enter which are reserved by dcl ;;; haven't (yet) found a way to catch character for space. ;;; So gonna use ' (quote) for space, not ideal but it is what it is (vl-load-com) (defun dip ( %lst / dip-list dip-width key-lst imb-str capslock bksp bksl qmrk eb-txt f p d r ib dialog-list drv lb-sel return-list) (setq dip-list %lst) ;;; make sure all elements are strings (setq dip-list (mapcar 'vl-princ-to-string dip-list)) ;;; find length of longest member (setq dip-width (car (vl-sort (mapcar 'strlen dip-list) '>))) ;;; create key codes (setq key-lst (vl-remove-if '(lambda (x)(member x '(34 92))) (append (gnum 33 95) (gnum 123 125)))) (setq imb-str ":image_button {color=dialog_background;width=0.1;height=0.1;fixed_height=true;key=\"ib_") ;;; see if acet-sys-keystate function is available (setq capslock (member 'acet-sys-keystate (atoms-family 0)) eb-txt "" bksp (strcat ":image_button {color=dialog_background;width=0.1;height=0.1;" "fixed_height=true;key=\"ib_bksp\";label=\"&\010\";}") bksl (strcat ":image_button {mnemonic=\"\\\\\";color=dialog_background;width=0.1;" "height=0.1;fixed_height=true;key=\"ib_bksl\";label=\"&\\\\\";}") qmrk (strcat ":image_button {mnemonic=\"\\\"\";color=dialog_background;width=0.1;" "height=0.1;fixed_height=true;key=\"ib_qmrk\";label=\"&\\\"\";}") ) (and (setq p (open (setq f (vl-filename-mktemp ".dcl")) "w")) (mapcar '(lambda (x) (write-line x p)) (append (list "dip:dialog {label=\"DIP - Dynamic Input (Rlx Sep'23)\";:row {") (crim) (list bksp bksl qmrk "}") (list ":image_button {color=141;height=1;fixed_height=true;key=\"ib_ib\";}" ":text_part {key=\"tp\";height=1;width=40;}" ) (list (strcat ":list_box {height=25;width=" (itoa (fix (* dip-width 0.75))) ";key=\"lb\";multiple_select=true;}") "ok_cancel;" "}") ) ) (not (setq p (close p))) (< 0 (setq d (load_dialog f))) (new_dialog "dip" d) (progn (upd_lbox) (action_tile "ib_bksp" "(upd_txtp $key)") (action_tile "ib_bksl" "(upd_txtp $key)") (action_tile "ib_qmrk" "(upd_txtp $key)") (stim) ;;; (action_tile "lb" "(setq lb-sel $value)") ;;; test (action_tile "lb" "(setq lb-sel $value)(alert (strcat \"v = \" $value \" r = \" (itoa $reason)))") (action_tile "lb" "(setq lb-sel $value)(done_dialog 1)") (action_tile "accept" "(done_dialog 1)") (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog 0)") (setq drv (start_dialog)) (unload_dialog d) (vl-file-delete f) ) ) (cond ((= drv 0)) ((= drv 1) (cond ((and (eq lb-sel nil) (vl-consp dialog-list)) (setq return-list (list (nth 0 dialog-list)))) ((and (distof lb-sel)(vl-consp dialog-list)) (setq return-list (list (nth (atoi lb-sel) dialog-list)))) ((and (boundp lb-sel) (vl-consp dialog-list)) (setq return-list (mapcar '(lambda (x)(nth (atoi x) dialog-list)) (SplitStr lb-sel "")))) ((vl-consp dialog-list) (setq return-list dialog-list)) (t (setq return-list nil)) ) ) (t (setq return-list nil)) ) return-list ) ;;; create image_buttons : (setq lst (gimb)) (defun crim () (mapcar '(lambda (x)(strcat imb-str (chr x) "\";label=\"&" (chr x) "\";}")) key-lst)) ;;; start image_buttons (defun stim () (foreach x key-lst (action_tile (strcat "ib_" (chr x)) "(upd_txtp $key)"))) ;;; update edit_box , k = key (ib_$) (defun upd_txtp ( k / s l) (cond ;;; backspace ((and (eq k "ib_bksp") (> (setq l (strlen eb-txt)) 1)) (setq eb-txt (substr eb-txt 1 (1- l)))) ;;; backslash ((eq k "ib_bksl") (setq eb-txt (strcat eb-txt "\\"))) ;;; quotation mark ((eq k "ib_qmrk") (setq eb-txt (strcat eb-txt "\""))) ;;; use ' for space ((eq k "ib_'") (setq eb-txt (strcat eb-txt " "))) (t (setq eb-txt (strcat eb-txt (case (substr k 4))))) ) (if (wcmatch (strcase eb-txt t) "*bksp")(setq eb-txt "")) (start_image "ib_ib") (fill_image 0 0 (dimx_tile "ib_ib") (dimy_tile "ib_ib") 141) (end_image) (set_tile "ib_ib" eb-txt) (mode_tile k 2) (upd_lbox) ) (defun upd_lbox ( / filter) (if (not (vl-consp dip-list)) (setq dip-list '("void"))) (cond ((= eb-txt "") (setq dialog-list dip-list)) (t (setq filter (strcat "*" eb-txt "*")) (setq dialog-list (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (x)(wcmatch (strcase x) (strcase filter))) dip-list)) ) ) (start_list "lb") (mapcar 'add_list dialog-list) (end_list) (set_tile "tp" (strcat " selected " (itoa (length dialog-list)) " of " (itoa (length dip-list)))) ) ;;; helper functions ;;; determine status caps lock for when typing filter (even though filter uses strcase) (defun case (s) (cond ((null s) "") ((not (eq (type s) 'STR)) "") ((null capslock) s) (t (if (= (acet-sys-keystate 20) 0) (strcase s t) (strcase s))))) ;;; generate number (gnum 1 5) -> '(1 2 3 4 5) (defun gnum (s e / i l) (and (numberp s)(numberp e)(setq i s)(while (<= i e)(setq l (cons i l) i (1+ i)))) (reverse l)) ; (SplitStr "a,b" ",") -> ("a" "b") (defun SplitStr (s d / p) (if (setq p (vl-string-search d s))(cons (substr s 1 p)(SplitStr (substr s (+ p 1 (strlen d))) d))(list s))) ;;; d = directory , e = extension like "*.dwg" , f = flag include subfolders (any value or nil) (defun alf (d e f) (setq d (vl-string-right-trim "/" (vl-string-translate "\\" "/" d))) (if f (apply 'append (cons (if (vl-directory-files d e)(mapcar '(lambda (x) (strcat d "/" x)) (vl-directory-files d e))) (mapcar '(lambda (x) (alf (strcat d "/" x) e f))(vl-remove ".." (vl-remove "." (vl-directory-files d nil -1)))))) (mapcar '(lambda (x) (strcat d "/" x))(vl-directory-files d e 1)))) ;;; multiple remove from list (mrfl '(1 2 3 4) '(1 2)) (defun mrfl (l r) (vl-remove-if '(lambda (x)(member x r)) l)) (defun rfl (r l / i)(setq i -1)(vl-remove-if '(lambda (x)(member (setq i (1+ i)) r)) l)) ;;; test function (defun c:t1 () (setq lst (dip (alf (car (fnsplitl (findfile "acad.exe"))) "*.dwg" t)))) (defun c:t2 () (setq lst (dip (alf "c:/temp/lisp" "*.dwg" t)))) just start typing , for example type 1 and only items which contain 1 will be listed , you can now click on product 12 or type 2 to make 12 and so the rest is filtered out.
    1 point
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