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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2024 in all areas

  1. but for learning.... nothing better than the harsh realities of plan notepad!
    1 point
  2. This usually gets me in trouble now since im not using lisp on a daily basis anymore. I suggest notepad++ recognizes lisp code structure so things are color coded and its easier to hunt down errors. if you want to go off the deep end get Visual stuido Code. doe everything notpad++ does and alot more like specific addins and autocomplete syntax. if you have BrisCAD 18 or higher they have a build in coder called blade.
    1 point
  3. I think most of us started with an idea "How do I do this quicker, more accurately or more consistently" and start from there, building up knowledge as you create LISPs to do what you want to do. I use a lot of online resources, this forum is great by the way. For learning don't ask for a complete LISP since you are likely just to save that and not learn how it does what it does, but ask for small portions of code. Use these codes in your projects Apart from here, there is another forum, TheSwamp which is also good. Online: AfraLisp has a lot of good examples, Lee Mac has a lot of small functions which can be used to build larger functions or as stand alone functions AutoDesk has online help for all the functions As for creating a LISP, it is a text based language and you can use any simple text editor to write the code as the simplest form First off though I'd look on Lee Macs website for his tutorials on writing and running LISPs
    1 point
  4. Something like this: Linetype is the line name "TRAZOS" (I don't think it i case sensitive) acad.lin is the line definition file that the line type is described in - you might need to find out what that is and replace the text below assumes here that the file 'acad.lin' is in trusted files location (defun MakeLoadLines ( linetype / ) (if (tblsearch "LTYPE" linetype) ;;Check if linetype is loaded (command ".-linetype" "_Load" linetype "acad.lin" "_Yes" "") ;; reload it anyway. Replace with (progn ) for no reloading (command ".-linetype" "_Load" linetype "acad.lin" "") ;; otherwise load it ) (princ) )
    1 point
  5. You don't need a program, there's a feature already available. It's called the Annotation Monitor. Yeah, I'd never heard of it either. You can toggle the Annotation Monitor on the Status Bar. When it's active, you'll see a badge on every dimension that has no association. Once you re-associate the dimension, the badge goes away.
    1 point
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