This only assumes the horizontal and vertical lines are drawn in UCS, and not WCS:
(defun c:vmirror nil (OnePointMirror '(00 10 00)))
(defun c:hmirror nil (OnePointMirror '(10 00 00)))
(defun OnePointMirror (dir / ss pt)
(setq ss (ssget "_:L"))
(setq pt (getpoint "\nSpecify base point <exit>: "))
(command "_mirror" ss "" "_non" pt "_non" (mapcar '+ dir pt) "No") ;; <--- Change to Yes to delete source object, or \\ to prompt user.
(while (not (zerop (getvar "cmdactive"))) (command ""))
And while this may be off the OP, this might be worth looking at as well: Quick Mirror.