Its a fairly simple shape to draw using lisp. You get a width and height draw a rectang, draw the nail holes, then say use donuts to draw the solid circles.
So a good task to start to learn lisp, please others dont post code. Rather provide hints.
So you start with (setq wid (getreal "\nEnter width ")) then add the rest, rail width, rail length, number of studs per rail, stud diameter, stud spacing (center to center), end spacing (end of rail to center of first stud). One comment if you imply number and end space then no need for spacing as you would calculate that value. I will later on provide a smarter dcl for the input.
So you have all the values next is pick point (setq pt1 (getpoint "\npick a point ")) I get a piece of paper and do a sketch then write down the ptx number so as I work out say a new X & Y for the holes I write the point number on the sketch. then I know where I am reusing a point, I will give you this function an easier way to add X & Y to a point, (setq pt2 (mapcar '+ pt1 (list X Y 0.0))) just replace X Y with new offset value.
The donuts work out 1st point XY, then use (repeat and copy again adding a new Y which is the spacing value.
Hope that makes some sense. If you get stuck just post there are plenty of people here who will help. You can use notepad or I use Notepad++ as it has a lisp checker, or use Vlide the inbuilt lisp editor. For Bricscad its Blade.