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  1. What is the process you are following to create both bocks? If you create the non-annotative block and and then try to create the annotative block it might fail. Create the nested block definition first if you can and then insert it into the parent block.
    1 point
  2. Just thought i would share. I have tried this once, with photos from an iphone. https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/visual-lisp-autolisp-and-general/using-autolisp-visual-lisp-to-geo-locate-geotagged-images/td-p/10242340
    1 point
  3. Try this, a few changes to the selection codes and a slight change to the polyline selection 'ssget' (defun c:foo (/ selset offset_value loops hatch layer) ;;https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/visual-lisp-autolisp-and-general/get-list-of-all-layers-in-lisp/td-p/822262 (defun Table (s / d r) (while (setq d (tblnext s (null d)))(setq r (cons (cdr (assoc 2 d)) r)) ) ) ; end defun (defun LM:lst->str ( lst del ) ;;Lee Mac (if (cdr lst) (strcat (car lst) del (LM:lst->str (cdr lst) del)) (car lst) ) ) (defun LM:ListIntersection ( l1 l2 ) (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda ( x ) (member x l2)) l1) ) ;;;List of layers (setq LayerList '("Layer1" "Layer2") ) ; List of layers ;;; (if (= (type (LM:ListIntersection LayerList (Table "layer")) ) 'LIST) ; check if layers exist in drawing (progn (if (= (setq selset ; Selection set of closed polylines on layers (ssget (list (cons 0 "*POLYLINE") (cons 8 (LM:lst->str LayerList ",")) '(-4 . "<OR") '(70 . 1) '(70 . 129) '(-4 . "OR>") )) ; end ssget, list ) ; end setq nil) ; end = (progn (princ "No Lines selected") ; no suitable polylines ) (progn (initget "1 2") (setq offset_value (cond ((getkword "\nSelect offset value [1 - OPTION1/2 - OPTION2] <1> : ")) ; get option (t "1") ) ;_ end of cond ) ; end setq (vla-startundomark (setq adoc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))) (setq layer (vla-add (vla-get-layers adoc) "HATCH LAYER")) (vla-put-color layer 253) ; change color (vla-put-lineweight layer aclnwt005) ; change lineweight (setq offset_value (cond ((= (atoi offset_value) 1) 0.5) ((= (atoi offset_value) 2) 2.0) ) ;_ end of cond loops (mapcar (function (lambda (ent) (vl-sort (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (setq x (car (vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value x)))) (vla-put-layer x (vla-get-name layer)) x ) ;_ end of lambda ) ;_ end of function (list (vla-offset (vlax-ename->vla-object ent) offset_value) (vla-offset (vlax-ename->vla-object ent) (- offset_value)) ) ;_ end of list ) ;_ end of mapcar (function (lambda (a b) (> (vla-get-area a) (vla-get-area b)))) ) ;_ end of vl-sort ) ;_ end of lambda ) ;_ end of function ((lambda (/ tab item) (repeat (setq tab nil item (sslength selset) ) ;_ end setq (setq tab (cons (ssname selset (setq item (1- item))) tab)) ) ;_ end of repeat ) ;_ end of lambda ) ) ;_ end of mapcar ) ;_ end of setq (foreach item loops (setq hatch (vla-addhatch (vla-get-modelspace adoc) achatchpatterntypepredefined "ANSI31" :vlax-false achatchobject ) ;_ end of vla-AddHatch ) ;_ end of setq (vla-appendouterloop hatch (vlax-safearray-fill (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbobject '(0 . 0)) (list (car item))) ) ;_ end of vla-appendouterloop (vla-appendinnerloop hatch (vlax-safearray-fill (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbobject '(0 . 0)) (list (cadr item))) ) ;_ end of vla-appendinnerloop (vla-evaluate hatch) (vla-update hatch) (vla-put-patternscale hatch 0.1) ; change hatch scale (vla-put-layer hatch (vla-get-name layer)) ) ;_ end of foreach (vla-endundomark adoc) ) ; end progn ssget ) ) ; end progn Layers Exist (progn (alert "No layers exist in the drawing...") ) ; end progn ) ;_ end if Layers exist (command "_Setbylayer" (ssget "X") "" "_Yes" "_Yes") (princ) )
    1 point
  4. As Steven stated earlier , it's the 330 GC and this is if the object associated with hatch object otherwise the 330 will be only one and related to the session where the object positioned / located.
    1 point
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