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  1. looking at this again, I think you might want to think about hatching the blocks again - I wasn't thinking straight yesterday but if you add a hatch into one block, all instances of that block will get that hatch. You could 'edit' the block (either edit command or use the entity information) and grab all the entities that the block is made from, create a list of points from each part of the block, come out of the block, align these points to the instance of that block and create a hatch from points - which should sit on top of the block. That sounds like a bit of work to do this evening though.
    1 point
  2. Please use Code Tags (use the <> in the editor) in the future.
    1 point
  3. Try this expanding on what Steven suggested, if you can not see Arial the it does not exist, just copy the 3 lines to the command line. (vlax-for tsty (vla-get-TextStyles (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) (princ (strcat "\n" (vla-get-name tsty))) ) Standard RL S4 ISO2.5 ISO3.5 ISO5 notes ISO1.8 TITLEBLOCK ISOCP ROMAND ISO Arial ISO3098B Standard 2.5 Standard 5 Annotative Legend
    1 point
  4. excluding the issue of whether it is inefficient to create polylines with two nodes one by one as blocks (if you simply want to name individual polylines, it is recommended to use xdata or hyperlinks). To do what you want, 1. create a command with defun, 2. receive the value with (getreal) or (getint), and receive the name with (getstring). 3. You can create a polyline with (entmake). In order to do entmake, there must be a dxf list required for entmake, and polyline information is included here. To find out the value easily, you can create a polyline once and then "dump" it to see the code. dump - https://www.cadtutor.net/forum/topic/74613-dxf-fields/?do=findComment&comment=590936 Not all dxf codes are required, but there are essential items for each entity. http://docs.autodesk.com/ACD/2011/ENU/filesDXF/WS1a9193826455f5ff18cb41610ec0a2e719-79fc.htm 4. And to make this polyline into a block, you need to add entmake for blocks before and after the polyline entmake statement. And since it is a block, it must be entered as insert to be created in the drawing. 5. To make it easier to specify the reference point, when creating a block, it is recommended to create the starting point based on 0,0. 6. If you want to insert without using command, you can use vla-insertblock.
    1 point
  5. In the mirror command the letter inside block get inverse . are there any lisp code mirroring block without reveres letter inside them. And how we can correct them after mirroring, as the following picture ::
    1 point
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