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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2023 in all areas

  1. You'll only be able to use Script Writer on unopened drawings, else the drawings will be rendered as read-only to the script. Since the ActiveX zoomextents method is derived from the application class, you will only be able to invoke it on the current drawing, not those which are open but inactive. Furthermore, since LISP operates within the document namespace, you won't be able to active an inactive drawing and then issue a command, since, as soon as the drawing becomes active, the LISP evaluation will cease. Aside from using the .NET (C#/F#/VB) or ARX (C++) APIs, the only way that I could see this being accomplished is using a VBA function to send the command to the appropriate document - the late great Michael Puckett (MP) demonstrates this technique here.
    1 point
  2. I don't use script writer much, maybe a LISP could work to do what you want - make a LISP to do what you want with a single drawing and then run it via scriptwriter Or perhaps you might need to use: (setvar "tilemode" 1) (command "zoom" "E")
    1 point
  3. The arrow direction should reflect wether the slope is +ve or -ve so the arrow head will always be drawn on END of line. So may need to reverse start and end points.
    1 point
  4. The shapes maybe to complex to put a rule about what to do. Is 8 seconds to much out of your day ?
    1 point
  5. rough direction, I think 1. start by creating multiple offsets inside the room. ( https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/visual-lisp-autolisp-and-general/continuous-offset-command/m-p/6296766/highlight/true#M340946 ) 2. and it stops when the distance between each vertex of entlast is less than the offset value. Since we are going to unite the lines, this loop must be an even number. If the counting result is an odd number, delete the last loop (entlast) 3. Select the starting edge as user input. Among the vertices of the first selected boundary, the nearest point is selected. Explode the first and second created loops among the created loops and extend them to the boundary room. this is in & out. 4. Twist and connect all loops after the 3rd, based on the corner. connect Inside and outside with 2 pairs. This connection is sufficient because it is only based on vertices close to the selected edge. 5. Connect them all with pedit and fillet all vertices with Lisp like FMP. ( https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/visual-lisp-autolisp-and-general/fillet-multiple-polyline-all-at-once-by-lisp/m-p/6473166/highlight/true#M343470 )
    1 point
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